Sunday, August 23, 2020
Fellow Nurse Is Practicing Misconduct †
Question: Examine about the Fellow Nurse Is Practicing Misconduct. Answer: Presentation An attendant is a clinical expert who visits understanding every single time more than some other individual. The person is in position to check and screen the sickness of the patients for all the period in the clinic till the hour of release (Carney, 2016). Much of the time, nurture in Australia have been seen as liable of wrongdoing. Medical attendant practice needs heaps of care and due tirelessness on the customer. Attendant unfortunate behavior changes on the idea of the demonstration. Some unfortunate behavior emerges because of unavoidable conditions or even ignorance. Oppositely, a few offenses are done purposely with an objective of accomplishing something (Yildiz et al., 2014). For example, a few medical caretakers may cover medicates in the point of selling them and give the patient under portion. Contingent upon the demonstration, the NCSBN, National Council of birthing specialists and medical caretakers have the position to return to the issue and grant the judgment in like manner. Instead of training, a medical caretaker is considered answerable for the compromising activities done to patients and open enthusiasm under their watch (Cashin et al, .2016). The paper will examine a situation where an attendant finds that the individual medical caretaker is rehearsing wrongdoing. It will layout the quick activities, guidelines on the issue and the moral and legitimate ramifications of the issue. Quick activities required A medical attendant bringing up that they are rehearsing quiet consideration but then they are not doing it is a break of the set of principles. It infers that the medical caretaker conflicted with the set standards and guidelines which are set by National Council of State Boards ofNursing (NCSBN) and as an individual attendant, I have a prompt task to carry out to keep them from further break of the law (Parahoo, 2014). First and for most, I will help them to remember the set guidelines that control the medical caretaker rehearses with the goal that they probably won't be liable about my turn. Besides, I will advise them to abstain from the demonstration to stay away from outcomes from NCSBN, customers through court and some other intrigued body. Being a criminal demonstration, I accept in the event that they don't hold fast to my recommendation, I won't support their practices. I will take the proactive proportion of illuminating significant specialists regarding their demonstrations with the goal that life of patients can't be put in danger any longer (Tobiano et al., 2017). It is fascinating to note thatnursing calls for administrations to individuals and there are no any alternate route to accomplish a definitive objective of sparing existences of patients. As indicated by the law on medical caretakers practice, it is unlawful to observe a partner rehearsing unfortunate behavior with no significant activity. It, along these lines, implies that I would be considered capable if the activities of my partner keep on presenting dangers to general society. Guidelines of Australian enlisted nurture There are numerous guidelines in Australia which control the act of enlisted nurture. The job of an attendant is to ensure that the standard of their training is in accordance with the guidelines set by the calling with a point of helping individuals to be sheltered (Chang Daly, 2015). In any case, the key job of the medical attendants is to offer capable and safe medical attendant consideration. It is, subsequently, significant to take note of that the enrolled medical caretakers who found to bargain proficient measures ought to be made known to proper individuals. The set of principles of Australian enrolled nurture further demonstrate that medical attendants who are discovered seeing unlawful acts of their associate and even of colleagues in the board, clinical or even research zones of training have a commitment and duty to report such lead to an important expert for a move to be made to defend the lives of people and furthermore the enthusiasm of general society (McKenna et al., 2015). The guideline likewise allows the medical attendant to report the issue to an outside power if the emergency clinic or managers don't create an appropriate reaction to the issue. Medical caretakers additionally are qualified for regard the qualities, pride, convictions, and culture of people who get their administrations and even their partners. It is thusly significant for medical caretakers to offer effectivenursing care just as maintaining norms of able and socially educated consideration (Parahoo, 2014). They should then recognize the idea of families and others and through their understanding, they should offer proper consideration. It is likewise huge to feature that enrolled medical caretakers are answerable for advancing and ensuring the interests of the patients. Thusly, they guarantee that activity is done to ensure quality and security of their administrations are not ruin or traded off. Notwithstanding, medical caretakers should forgo any type of partiality and unfair pra ctices and perspectives to their customers. Attendants ought to hold fast to the arrangement of care with no kindness. Then again, medical caretakers ought to consider giving upsides and downsides of elective consideration items to their customers for them to create educated decisions (Parahoo, 2014). This is to imply that attendants ought to stay away from abuse, arrangement of inappropriate data and even distortion with respect to the arrangement of social insurance and medical attendant consideration. This is to infer that they ought to decisively speak to the consideration which they need to give individuals as opposed to going in opposition to the set guidelines. Moreover, medical caretakers ought to guarantee that they create trust in patients under consideration that their passionate, physical, social, mental and social prosperity be ensured at the hour of getting care (Parahoo, 2014). They are likewise answerable for perceiving powerless people, for example, individuals with handicaps, youngsters and even individuals with psychological instability and guarantee that they shield them from sexual abuse. Attendants in Australia additionally have a job in guaranteeing an expert limit with the individuals being minded. It is one of the ways to deal with guaranteeing that the privileges of patients stay classified and furthermore their security is observed as per the law (Schneider Whitehead 2013). The untrustworthy practices and break of direct among medical attendants in the expert lives is an unsafe demonstration which can influence their calling and general notoriety in the overall population. It calls for medical caretakers to hold fast to their jobs as recommended to stay away from people in general from losing trust from them. It will guarantee remedial connections and furthermore the compelling conveyance of their consideration administrations. The act of medical attendants depends on morals and reflectivity as per the code of morals for Australia medical caretakers. They create and guarantee proper nursing care,nursing counsel and help for every single individual requiring care (Parahoo, 2014). They inspect their direct and competency as set in the principles of the nursing calling. Moral/lawful ramifications For the most part, disciplinary activities, claims, and inward requests are a portion of the issues which are distressing to medical attendants who are concerned, all the more so the exposure which goes with them. In certain circumstances, these conditions can't be forestalled and it needs that such pressure ought to be proportionate to the ethical culpability of the deeds done by the very medical attendant. The main manner by which all these can be tended to is by means of the lawful activities which can come in various manners (Parahoo, 2014). As per the medical caretakers and birthing specialists council in Australia, they ask and decides the issues which are brought to them. It has various alternatives for such issues. It might alert or even censure the concerned medical attendant. Moreover, it might concoct conditions on the medical attendant and in some outrageous cases, it might force suspension and even expulsion from training. Furthermore, the activities done by the medical caretaker to their customers which are in opposition to the law will prompt untrustworthy ramifications to the patient (Scanlon et al., 2016). It suggests that any type of injury, torment, mental pressure and even passing can emerge. The open will be in danger and legitimate move ought to be made against the organization and the concerned attendant. The medical caretakers are at risk for any misstep they make when they are doing rehearses. First and for most, if any medical attendant neglects to adhere to guidelines earlier doing any type of care, they chance their permit being disavowed (Kleinpell et al., 2014). This is to imply that the person won't be in a situation to execute any medical attendant practices and the person will lose the employment. In certain associations in Australian, the NCSBN has the privilege to suspend or repudiate the permit of the medical attendant if such medical attendant presents an extraordinary threat to the wellbeing of overall population. The practices by attendants are consistently under watch by general society. On the off chance that patients feel that they are not being served well in that specific emergency clinic by attendants, it will bring up bunches of issues on how that specific medical clinic works. It will imply that different customers can get data and neglects to go to a similar emergency clinic. The clinic will lose customers and most likely will prompt conclusion. Be that as it may, if the matter of wrongdoing among the medical caretaker in the specific clinic is noticed, the NCSBN will summon the administration of the emergency clinic in court to react on the issue. The court choices can bring about the conclusion of the very emergency clinic or renouncement of their permit of training (Johnstone, 2015). The medical clinic won't in a situation to offer it administrations to people in general. Moreover, the patients care in every single medical clinic are extremely pivotal. Truly, the medical clinic is subject for anything which may happen to the patient whenever dismissed (Royals et al., 2016). In the event that a medical caretaker is careless, couldn't care less the patients as per the guidelines, patients can contact other optional illnesses, they can get wounds and even they can pass on (Edmonds et al., 2016). Be that as it may, on the matter of carelessness, patients' wellbeing can fall apart and with attentive gazes of their families, they may record the issue in court and the medical caretaker is judged as needs be. These are offenses which the clinic and the concerned medical caretaker will be at risk and they will confront outcomes as endorsed by the law (Yildiz et al.,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Review paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Survey paper - Essay Example The Race Myth composed by Graves’ focuses on critical issues of bigotry in the American people group. He presents in the book that American consider foreigners sluggish and have hereditary legacy that influence their prosperity. They even felt that these African Americans expected to work more earnestly so as to spare themselves as they did (Graves 122). He noted in his book that the Americans didn't think about the African American abuse when offering these thoughts regarding them. As indicated by Graves, the American culture offers help for racial abuse in the American culture, and it is through racial segregation that the African American experience wellbeing inconsistencies (122). He felt that most African Americans despite everything consider that there is some hereditary authenticity inside the general public that adds to racial segregation. Be that as it may, this isn't correct on the grounds that bigotry just radiates because of cultural generalizations. In this book, the writer needs the perusers to comprehend that bigotry is a socially evolved idea planned for overwhelming African Americans rather than a hereditary encounter that clarifies racial contrasts in the general public (Graves 123). Racial separation was begun by the Europeans who caused it to reach out in their networks. They acknowledged the idea of racial request that was across the board during that time. As per the creator, the developed racial separation helped the Europeans to control the mainland (Graves 123). He presents a solid idea against organic contentions concerning racial separation due to hereditary components. Graves principally brings up social factors that add to racial segregation, and he accepts that solitary two percent of hereditary impedances can add to hereditary distinction (124). Grave likewise questions the idea that there are hereditary explicit medications for explicit racial gathering
Friday, August 21, 2020
Writing Effectively with Appropriate Phrases Essay Example
Composing Effectively with Appropriate Phrases Essay This exposition investigates and analyzes four arrangements of sentences and judges them on adequacy and appropriateness.â The first set’s sentence is, â€Å"You didn't excel on that test.†â This sentence is a forthright, direct evaluation of the consequences of a test, and it infers that the understudy is able to do better performance.â A teacher would be acting suitably on the off chance that she utilized this sentence.â The other sentence in this set is, â€Å"You besieged that exam.†â This appraisal is everyday, heartless and improper originating from a formal instructor.â However, in the event that this equivalent appraisal was conveyed from a student’s peer, it may be proper and maybe even humorous.The second arrangement of sentences is, â€Å"Your emergency clinic tests don't look promising,†and â€Å"I’m apprehensive you are going to pass on in the close future.†â The previous sentence is a fitting and direct con veyance of poor clinical news that a social insurance supplier may convey to a weak patient.â It illuminates the patient regarding his bleak forecast, yet in a sympathetic and expert manner.â The last sentence must be conveyed by the most inhumane of human services providers.â It totally needs empathy for the patient’s desperate conditions, and it serves to take out any expectation that the at death's door patient may harbor.â This sentence is entirely inappropriate.The third set is, â€Å"The activity cost us 100 troops†, and â€Å"One hundred of our men were killed in the battle.†â The previous sentence comes up short on the pride and gravity that these military passings merit; it is unseemly and ill bred to the fallen soldiers.â The last sentence, while conveying a similar grievous message, is substantially more suitable and fitting.â It confers a feeling of profound misfortune and infers that the perished warriors were a piece of a regarded fam ily.The last arrangement of sentences is, â€Å"I’m not certain you are up to this specific assignment,†and â€Å"You’re not brilliant enough to do this task well.†â The previous sentence is a fitting caution that may be conveyed by a better than a subordinate.â It gets the message across without impoliteness and insensitivity.â The last sentence is wrong and judgmental.â It discourteously presumes an absence of knowledge and it could never be articulated by a business proficient.
Sophocles - Antigone Essay -- essays research papers fc
The Power of Choice Decisions influence the entirety of our lives. We are constantly confronted with decisions. What we do with those decisions will decide how are lives will turn out, what predetermination lies before us and even what will happen to us. The decisions we make are in our unlimited authority. Regardless of whether we settle on decisions during the warmth existing apart from everything else or with a receptive outlook there will be results that follow whether fortunate or unfortunate are must be accused on us. Sophocles' Antigone depicts human feelings and results that follow two unmistakable decisions. We can widen the range by saying that Creon speaks to open approach and Antigone speaks to singular inner voice. As indicated by E.S. Shuckburgh we should look at which is progressively significant 'state law or perfect inner voice';. (Shuckburgh xviii) Antigone is an anecdote around two individuals who decide to settle on decisions that each are enthusiastic about and the outcomes that follow. I can contend that the decision made by Antigone was respectable and good since she was going to bat for what she had faith in. Antigone was attempting to do what she felt was the right. She was going to bat for her family. I believe that numerous individuals would feel a similar route in her circumstance. Antigone needed to offer her sibling the entombment that she felt he merited. In spite of the fact that it didn't appear as if she concurred with what her sibling had done she believed in family loyalty.When Antigone drew closer Ismene with her proposition, Ismene said no. She defended her choice by disclosing to Antigone that they were at that point rebuffed and that there was no compelling reason to exacerbate the situation for both of them by opposing Creon's law. Gracious my sister, think-think how our own dad passed on, abhorred, Â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â Mimi 2 his notoriety in ruins, driven on by the violations he exposed himself to gouge out his eyes with his own hands- at that point mother…his mother and spouse, both in one, ruining her life in the contorted noose- furthermore, last, our two siblings dead in a solitary day, both shedding there won blood, poor enduring young men, engaging out their normal fate hand-to-hand. ( Sophocles 60-69) Isemene attempts to state ... ...continuously be a piece of our life, what we so with those decisions will decide our future as they did on account of Creon and Antigone. Â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Mimi 5 Works Cited David Bender, Bruno Leone, Scott Barbour, Bonnie Szumski, Don Nardo, eds. Readings of Sophocles. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1997. Sir Richard C. Jebb, E. S. Shuckburgh, abs. Presentation. Antigone. By Shuckburgh. New York: Press Syndicate of the U of Cambridge, 1987 Sophocles. 'Antigone.'; The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Ed. Maynard Mack. New York: W.W. Norton and Compay, Inc., 1995. 632-667
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Colleges Taking Equity in Businesses
Colleges Taking Equity in Businesses March 3 Columbia University has an equity stake in this business pitched on Shark Tank (photo credit: Anna Stork). Were big fans of the hit ABC show Shark Tank here at Ivy Coach. For those living under rocks, its a show in which American entrepreneurs pitch their businesses with the goal of landing equity investments from highly successful, proven entrepreneurs. Or, in the case of Kevin OLeary, its often royalty deals. Anyhow, over the years, weve written about quite a few Ivy League entrepreneurs who have appeared on Shark Tank and landed investments from moguls like in 2012 when former Dartmouth hockey player Mike Hartwick landed an investment from Mark Cuban for his Surfset Fitness. Recently, another Dartmouth graduate, Anna Stork, appeared on Shark Tank with her business partner, Andrea Shrestha. The two met while students at Columbia Universitys Graduate School of Architecture and it was there that they came up with their business, LuminAID. Their initial product is a light that is charged by sunlight. The light can provide 16 hours of LED light and its both inflatable and waterproof. Can you see its applications to the American Red Cross and the Coast Guard, etc.? We sure can! Its one of the best products weve seen to date on Shark Tank and that says something, because there have been a whole lot of good products and a whole lot of good companies. But were writing this post to raise a question to our readers. Columbia University owns a portion of the equity of Stork and Shresthas business. To be clear, we are uncertain if these two incredible young entrepreneurs worked on their product with Columbias resources, if they did so in a Columbia lab, etc. Were not sure. And we understand that colleges often own the inventions of those who work for them like professors. Even many graduate students collect stipends, so the argument could be made that this makes these universities entitled to a share of their businesses. But do you think its right? Do you think these colleges should be taking stakes in these businesses? Do you think Harvard should own a big piece of Facebook? Were not sure where we stand on this particular issue. On the one hand, for those paying a whole lot of money for their undergraduate educations, we dont feel strongly that these colleges that are receiving all of this hard earned money should get pieces of their undergrads businesses. But on the other hand, we respect that colleges in this nation are businesses, too. What do you think? Do you think colleges should own a piece of the inventions and businesses of professors, graduate students, and even undergraduate students? Let us know your thoughts by posting a Comment below. We look forward to hearing from you.
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
The Effects Of Illegal Fishing - Free Essay Example
During the years of the fishing world there been illegal activity across the countries. In the mid-fall season fishing companies around the world compete to fish for the big catch. In this present day, while the economy going through a big shake up, the increase of fishing illegally been arising. This paper will get into the history of fishing, economic effect, prevention, and the consequences of illegal fishing. Also, how other countries are stopping illegal fishing in their area. By the end of reading this brief paper on illegal fishing, this will open your eyes and be more aware of keeping our ocean clean. Also fighting of stopping illegal fishing across the country. Illegal Fishing         Fishing industries around the country goes through a thin line of fishing illegally. It happens in other foreign countries and mainly in northern part of the world. By getting caught is a big risk that you might have to take, but end up of the short side of the stick. However, there is always other way to prevent you of fishing legally by using right documents and procedure to fish the right way. Meaning         The term IUU fishing is define as illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing as â€Å"it is known more of a wide range of irresponsible activity†(IUU, 2002). Also in the Webster dictionary†illegal†defines as†Not according to, or authorized by, law; specif., contrary to, or in violation of, human law; unlawful; illicit; hence, immoral; as, an illegal act; illegal trade; illegal love†(Illegal, 2009). Therefore, knowing the terminology of the IUU and illegal will give an insight of the main theme of the paper. History         Fishing goes back way in ancient times when fishing for food was the first step of learning how to live on your own. Also in ancient times, The oldest known painting of an angler using a rod or staff comes from Egypt and history dates it from about 2000 BC (History, 2010). A proof of these logical paintings gives a point of view how the early ages survived. In 1946, an English prioress Dame Juliana Berner, who wrote the book Treatyse of fysshynge with an angle . The book established the basic foundations of angling knowledge (History, 2010). Also, learning to detail how to construct fishing hooks and rod, that it was just the first stages of knowing how to fish. The first Reel device was invented in England during the 18th century, although some speculate that the Chinese may have designed a basic reel earlier, in 3rd century CE (History, 2010) . However, with the development with new technology equipments and a high knowledge of the behavior of species. The sport of fishing in this present day has become a popular sport across the country. Therefore, In 1939 the international Game Fish Association was established to protect game fish and their habitats, based on the premise that maintaining stable fish populations would ensure the future of the sports (History, 2010). Economy Effect on Fishing         During the past time of worldwide fishing, the sport became a booming success across the country. But in this present day, professional fishers trying to keep their sponsors during a tough time in the economy. In the article Economy has chilling effect on fishing, boating posted by J.R Absher talks about keeping the sport alive while the economy is going through some rough times. According to Mike Bolton, an outdoor writer for the Birmingham, ALA saying Everybody is losing sponsors, pro angler Randy Howell told Bolton. Greg Hackey and Marty Stone have lost Advance Auto parts, GE silicone has pulled out. Were keeping the lure companies, but the big, non-endemic sponsors are saying they can’t do it right now (Economy Effect, 2009). Looking at the outcome not only of fishing is hurting in this time of crisis. Boating and outdoor shows are canceling out the effect of the economy. Baltimore Sun by i ts longtime outdoors writer Candus Thompson, who wrote that the promoters of some of the East Coasts largest fishing, boating and outdoor shows usually held this time of the year are scaling back or canceling shows altogether (Economy Effect 2009). No matter what happens to economy, the fishing world will be back into shape. Illegal Fishing in Countries         Throughout the fishing world, illegal foreign fishing had been arising across ocean boarders. I will talk two main areas in ocean boarders that are highly alert in illegal fishing. First area is in the Australian maritime areas, that the border protection command works closely with other agencies to protect coastal region. The illegal foreign fishing is a problem in Australia, that it gives proximity to other countries with survival of communities. In the fact sheet of Australian Government Border Protection Command ask why is illegal foreign fishing is a problem? It is High demand for products such as shark fin, troches shell, trepang (sea cucumber) and tropical rock lobster, some of which are considered over fished species, can make illegal foreign fishing a profitable enterprise (Illegal fishing 2009). There is the reason why illegal fishing is a wide known aware of protecting our seas. Indian o cean broader in Accra, Rome A group of 50 participants from 13 countries in the Indian Ocean region are strategizing on how to toughen up controls in coastal ports in order to better combat illegal(Illegal Fishing 2007). To have tighter controls in sea ports, that will make a hard for illegal fisherman to offload and refuel. Also they have come to deal of Enhanced port state measures such as port inspection schemes and information systems, which can be effectively linked to enforcement tools such as blacklisting of  IIU fishing vessels, trade measures and requiring vessels to participate in vessel monitoring system (VMS) programs (Illegal Fishing 2007). This idea will bring a stop in the illegal fishing and become a warning to fishers to be aware. The IUU (Illegal, Unregulated, Unreported) fishing in the Indian Ocean always has a problem with fishers such as â€Å"Fishing without permission or out of season; harvesting prohibited species; using outlawed types of fi shing gear; disregarding catch quotas; or non-reporting or underreporting catch weights†(Illegal Fishing, 2007). All these activities are all red flags in the illegal fishing world. However an article in the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) talks about the issues planning ways of blocking ports from ships that is fishing illegal. According to Ichiro Nomura an (FAO Assistant Director-General for fishers) says that all countries are responsible and must work together to put an ending on illegal fishing. In other areas â€Å"Catches of commercially valuable fish species may be surpassing permitted levels by over 300% due to IUU fishing, according to reports made to FAO by regional fishers bodies†(Illegal Fishing, 2004). Looking at the stats on the issue of illegal fishing, it is a big problem that we cannot put aside. The sea ports needs to have a tighter control of what is happening out there and need to keep track on what ships coming in and out of the seas p orts. In the data report in the IUU fishing organization, countries lose a lot of profit from other vessels fishing illegally. In a Reviewing the situation in 54 countries and on the high seas, the authors estimate that lower and upper estimates of the total value of current illegal and unreported fishing losses worldwide are between $10 million and 23.5 million annually, representing between 11 and 26 million tonnes (Illegal Fishing, 2008). Looking at these results is a very shocking that fishing vessels would do anything to make their quota. Prevention         The prevention process of IUU fishing is plain and simple to all countries. There are different responsibilities that all countries need to apply. The prevention to all countries should go by the code of conduct of IPOA-IUU (International Plan of Action). The book is for helping familiarize FAO (Food, Agriculture, and Organization) members and others with tools; suggest which tools to user in particular circumstances; and providing guidance on how to use the tools effectively(IUU Fishing, 2002). In addition, countries should participate in international network for the cooperation and coordination of fisheries-related monitoring, control and surveillance activities across the country (IUU Fishing, 2002). Flag countries are Countries that register fishing vessels and authorize vessels to fly their flags (IUU Fishing, 2002). The prevention of the flag country is making sure the fishing vessel have updated reg istration, record, and authorization to fish in the area. Also have other responsible control fishing activities for fishing and support vessels. For example, transport vessels that receive the catch of fishing vessels and supply vessels that bring fuel and provisions to fishing vessels (IUU Fishing, 2002). The coastal and postal countries have different responsibility but in a way work together with a flag country. The tools for need is Keeping a record of foreign vessels authorized to fish in its waters; requiring foreign vessels to use VMS, such that the coastal country has real time or near real time access to vessel positions and receives regular data reports by VMS, and requiring foreign vessels, or a certain percentage of them, to carry independent observers (IUU Fishing, 2002). However port countries are became very strict of nailing down IUU fishing. Also having similar requirements as Flag countries of vessels needed to have up dated records, permits to fish, a nd etc. However, if a port country has a reasonable of suspecting IUU fishing on their ports. They should Not to allow the vessel to land or transship fish in it port; immediately report the matter to the flag country, and if the suspected IUU fishing may have taken place in another country waters or in waters regulated by a regional fishery organization, immediately report the matter to that country or organization (Illegal Fishing, 2002). Consequences The consequences is very harsh of getting caught of fishing illegal and might end up doing some jail time. Also fishing companies get hit up with fines and ban through couple years. In the consequences of IUU Fishing for Fishery Information and Management has a precautionary approach. The Wide range reference in the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and the UN Fish Stocks Agreement, and it is implicit in the FAO Compliance Agreement since this agreement forms an integral part of the Code. Article 6.2 of the Fish Stocks Agreement is explicit on information: States shall be more cautious when information is uncertain, unreliable or inadequate. The absence of adequate scientific information shall not be used as a reason for postponing or failing to take conservation and management measures (Illegal Fishing, 2002). Making sure of having the right documents and being responsible with their actions, fishing companies do not have to go through the harsh consequences. In t his present day, ports all over the country are having tighter control and camera surveillance around their surroundings. It is just another way, of minimize the control of illegal fishing and being a look out for those who breaks the IUU code of conduct. Conclusion Illegal fishing is a big problem and citizen like us should be involved of what is going on in our oceans. However, The IPOA-IUU requires countries to review their national plans of action at least every four years and to report to FAO on steps they have taken to implement their plans and the IPOA-IUU (Illegal Fishing, 2002). This is a simple way of keeping control of all ports and a better planning of fighting against illegal fishing. Having the right resources and management I believe the fishing world can be back into the right place. Therefore, this is a good learning experience for me to learn what is going around in the fishing world. Also being born and raise from Hawai’i, this research brings a whole wide range of protecting our ocean and fishing system here in Hawai’i ne’i. References Economy Effect (2009). Courier Post. Retrieved May 4, 2010, From Http://www.blogs.courierpostonline/ History (2010). National Geographic. Retrieved May 4, 2010, From Http:// Illegal (2009). Webster Dictionary U.S.A. Retrieved May 4, 2010, From Http:// Illegal Fishing (2009). Australian Government Border Protection Command. Retrieved May 4, 2010, From Illegal Fishing (2008). Illegal Fishing information. Retrieved May 4, 2010, From Http:// Illegal Fishing (2007). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States. Retrieved May 4, 2010, From Http:// Illegal Fishing (2004). Food and Agriculture Organization of United States. Retrieved May 4, 2010, From Http:// Illegal Fishing (2002). FAO Corporate Document Depository. Retrieved May 4, 2010, From Http:// Illegal Fishing (2000). Consequences of IUU Fishing. Retrieved May 4, 2010, From Http://
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Analysis Of Mass Incarceration In Ava Duvernay - 1523 Words
Mass incarceration, particularly the disproportionate number of African Americans in prison, remains an issue that is both altogether settled, but at the same time unresolved. There still exists a pervasive idea that many people of color tend to be trouble makers, and thus are directly responsible for their own mass incarceration; however, this theory creates more questions than it answers. Furthermore, it does not address why mass incarceration continues even after it has been recognized as a serious socio-economical issue for several decades. Filmmaker Ava DuVernay proposes in her documentary titled 13th, that the mass incarceration of African Americans, as well as their frequent depiction as criminals, finds its roots in a thirteenth†¦show more content†¦To begin, the documentary argues that the cycle of African Americans becoming continuously depicted as criminals started with a clause in the thirteenth amendment, which explicitly states Neither slavery nor involuntary s ervitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction (13th amendment section 1). Several experts argue that this clause was actually intended to be utilized as a tool; and as a result, masses of African American males were arrested for petty crimes in order to be put back to work through convict leasing. Additionally, the movie Birth of a Nation created fear of the black man as a rapist of white women, which in turn gave power back to the KKK to advance their causes. As the cycle continues, many groups gained power by utilizing the fear of African American crime including the Democratic party through the use of Jim Crow laws, Nixon and the Southern Strategy, Reagan and the modern War on Drugs, as well as Bush and Clintons tough on crime platforms. Finally, through the political rhetoric of fear, outside establishments such as the Corrections Corporation of America and companies associated with the American Legislative Exchange Council have benefitted financially. Overall, the premises of her argument effectively demonstrate that people of color are not directly responsible for their own criminal image which is backed byShow MoreRelatedBeverly Daniel Tatum Describes Racism As A System Of Advantage1485 Words  | 6 Pagesvarious ways. In other words, blacks are considered less intelligent than whites. The incarceration rates have grown tremendously since the last time someone can remember. The largest jailer in the world is the United States. Philadelphia, however, has the nation’s highest incarceration rates. Surprisingly, 60% of them are still awaiting trial but 72% of them are black. Research has show’s that mass incarceration rates goes hand in hand with segregated cities. In â€Å"The City: Prison’s Grip on Black
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger - 1104 Words
J.D. Salinger has written multiple novels, but his most famous is The Catcher in the Rye. Not only is this novel famous for its literary merit, it is also known as his most banned novel in certain schools. Even though this novel has been banned, J.D. Salinger’s themes and moralistic purposes serve literary worth. In The Catcher in the Rye, the reader is first introduced to Holden Caulfield, as first person narrator. He is a radically independent adolescent who tosses off judgments at ease unselfconsciously. The introduction scene is set where he is, voluntarily isolated from the rest, looking down upon a hill during a Pencey Prep football game. He then goes into introducing primary characters that impacted his life, such as, Mr. Spencer, Ackley and Stradlater. Later on that night, Holden leaves campus enraged with anger and hatred towards everyone and sets on an adventure to find himself in the city of New York. Throughout the novel, Holden goes on a pursuit in search of maturity, intimate love, moral innocence, and acceptance despite his hatred for phoniness. The Catcher in the Rye was banned and discriminated for multiple reasons, but the prime reason was the containment of â€Å"excessive use of amateur swearing and coarse language†and â€Å"overt sexuality†(â€Å"And Holden†Online; Kerr 49). Critics found the novel to be â€Å"wholly repellent in its mingled vulgarity, naà ¯vetà ©, and sly perversion†(â€Å"And Holden†Online). Despite the negative criticism, J.D. Salinger alsoShow MoreRelatedThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger637 Words  | 3 PagesThe Catcher in the Rye, by J.D Salinger, consists of many minor characters. There are more than about sixty characters in the novel in which only three of them are major characters (Holden, Allie, and Phoebe) and the rest minor. Many of these characters are just mentioned with no lasting impact on either the novel itself or Holden. Salinger uses minor characters in the Catcher in the Rye to tell the readers about Holden and his views about the world. The first minor character seen in the CatcherRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger654 Words  | 3 Pagesfirst questions that came to my mind when I received the first assignment notice that we would be reading The Catcher in the Rye for English class. The title is most likely the single most important word choice that the author must make. J.D. Salinger uses the title in the book to allude to more than just when Holden sees the young child singing. J.D. Salingers title, The Catcher in the Rye, alludes to the conflict Holden faces of sexuality when growing up. The first reference made to the titleRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger944 Words  | 4 PagesMany people have different aspects and impressions on a teenager’s life. Some say society is the problem for their misbehaviours while others say it is the child who is responsible. Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger tells a story of a teenage boy named Holden Caulfield who gets kicked out from school to school. He never pushed himself in academics or anything and ended up failing, at most, everything. He re-tells what happened to him in New York after he got kicked out of Pencey Prep and secretlyRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger1005 Words  | 5 PagesHolden Caulfield, the protagonist of J.D. Salinger’s classic coming of age tale The Catcher in the Rye, entices readers through his hyper-critical scrutinization of the post-war consumer world. The novel itself is acclaimed to be quite autobiographical; the similarities between Salinger and H olden are numerous. Holden is an avid critic of materialistic American ideals, and he aims to preserve innocence in others, and to save himself from falling into the land of adulthood. After failing out ofRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger862 Words  | 3 PagesThe Catcher in the Rye a novel written by J.D. Salinger, the book starts off with Holden Caulfield, main protagonist, talks about his experience alone the weekend before he went home after getting kicked out of Pencey Prep.Holden seems to be embracing the growing up mentality yet he is frighten of adulthood he is trying to keep his innocence. Holden’s attitude toward life in general is perplexed. He pretends to be an adult by drinking heavily, yet he complains like a child. Holdens thoughts arentRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger1515 Words  | 7 PagesIn the novel, The Catcher in the Rye, written by J.D. Salinger, Holden Caulfield is a very complex and interesting person to take into consideration and psychoanalyze. His various traits make him a different person from the rest of the phonies in the world. Holden says, â€Å"All you do is make a lot of dough and play golf and play bridge and buy cars and drink Martinis and look like a hot-shot. How would you know you werent being a phony? The trouble is, you wouldnt.†What Holden doesn’t realizeRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger798 Words  | 3 PagesCatcher in the Rye Essay Anyone who has lost a beloved relative to cancer or other illnesses can understand how difficult it is to return to a normal living routine and move on with their lives without the relative. In J.D. Salinger’s novel, Holden Caulfield has to deal with the loss of his younger brother to leukemia. A few years after his younger brother, Allie, passed away, Holden finds himself being kicked out of yet another boarding school, this one being Pencey Prep in Pennsylvania. HoldenRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger983 Words  | 4 PagesCatcher in the Rye Essay Throughout Catcher in the Rye there are a lot of small parts of the story where it would be linked to the book and to the text all together. J.D. Salinger created a lot of important passages that would be associated with what type of message that he was trying to convey to the audience. Salinger would develop certain characters like Phoebe through her description and actions to have a influence on Holden, thus causing him to change as a character and reveal sides of himRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger507 Words  | 2 PagesJ.D Salinger is a very known american writer whose literature became very popular. His books revolved around many ideas such as his view on children. Children in many of his books have an innocence that Salinger grasps onto and makes adults corrupt. Also, he shows how children are teachers to adults but can still be foolish. Purity in children are expressed throughout many stories by Salinger. In Catcher In the Rye, Holden repeatedly expressed â€Å"Did you ask her if she still keeps all her kings inRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger667 Words  | 3 PagesIn a J.D Salinger novel, The Catcher in the rye interprets the adolescent world full of patience and misery. Holden Caulfield, hardly being the complete opposite of a typical protagonist. Instead, being the archetype of an anti-hero facing adolescent over anxiety. He is a teenager forced to grow up in a time of turmoil with severe emotional handicaps placed upon him by family, friends and life in general. Caulfield sets himself on such a journey and is portrayed as an individual on a quest for validation
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Equal Protection Clause Of The Fourteenth Amendment
The equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution was at first created to protect against racial discrimination, but the Supreme Court later expanded the clause to also providing equal treatment amongst different races. The clause says, â€Å"No state shall†¦deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws†(U.S. Constitution. Art./Amend. XIV, Sec. 1.) A person could not be discriminated upon solely because of his or her race and if the law treated a group of people differently, then a valid reason for the discrepancy of different treatment must exist. Racial minorities, but mainly women, have historically been subjected and made vulnerable to harsh restrictions on activities such as voting, attending college, and working as lawyers. These restrictions, based on stereotypes overlooked the actual capability and potential of each individual woman. For many cases dealing with discrimination of women, the Court looked to an other important element of equal protection, which stated that unfair treatment couldn’t be based on immutable distinctions, such as race and gender, because those fixed distinctions are uncontrollable and unrelated to ability. In the case of Frontiero v. Richardson, 411 U.S. 677 (1973), the Supreme Court was just one vote short of adopting gender as a suspect classification. In United States v. Virginia, 518 U.S. 515 (1996), women rights supporters were very pleased with the Supreme Court’s ruling and remainShow MoreRelatedThe Equal Protection Clause Of The Fourteenth Amendment976 Words  | 4 Pagesthe University of Texas with the claim that the University had violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 13th Amendment. The main question that arose in the question was, â€Å"does the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment permit the consideration of race in undergraduate admissions decisions†. The overall decision of the Supreme Court was that the University of Texas hadn’t violated the Equal Protection Clause, and in fact that they were permitted to consider race in the admissions processRead MoreThe Equal Protection Clause From The Fourteenth Amendment1137 Words  | 5 PagesThe Equal Protection Clause derives from the Fourteenth Amendment, which specifies â€Å"no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws†¦Ã¢â‚¬ As a part of the Reconstruction Amendments, the aforementioned clause was meant to ensure racial equality in the Reconstruction Period and has been applied successfully against the affirmative action. Introduced in United States v. Carolene Products Co., the strict scrutiny has been applied to the cases, in which a fundamentalRead MoreA Closer Look At The Fourteenth Amendment s Equal Protection Clause2421 Words  | 10 PagesMarkus Allard Professor Anne Redding Administrative Justice 245 20 November 2016 A Closer Look At The Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause Our 14th amendment is perhaps the most important amendment because it helps defend some of our fundamental rights. This amendment extends the due process procedure to all citizens when trying to deprive them of life, liberty, or property. The amendment also ensures that everyone born in the United States or naturalized is guaranteed citizenship. ThisRead MoreThe Fourteenth And Fourteenth Amendment1018 Words  | 5 PagesThe Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendment Want to learn how everyone is equal? On May 17, 1954 the United States Supreme Court came to a decision that had immediate repercussions on the lives of black and white American citizens. Historic moment experiences have continually characterized these people into distinct racial and social entities. The thirteenth and fourteenth amendment had a positive affect on the problem of racism and segregation.The thirteenth amendment was created to abolishRead MoreThe Road Brown V. Board Of Education Of Topeka ( 347 U.s.1455 Words  | 6 PagesHistorical Setting The road to Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (347 U.S. 74 (1954)), is littered with many Supreme Court cases that have battled for equality in education. The Fourteenth Amendment strengthened the legal rights of newly slaves and became the stomping ground for many Supreme Court decisions. There were six separate cases concerning the issue of segregation in public schools that was heard and consolidated into the one case named Brown v. Board of Education. The cases includedRead MoreThe Constitution Of The United States1552 Words  | 7 Pagescountry for over 200 years. The Bill of Rights, also known has the first Ten Amendments of the Constitution, has protected the unalienable rights of citizens in the United State. Selective incorporation was used in order to nationalize the Bill of Rights and protect the immunities, rights, and privileges of all United States citizens within the states. The success of Selective Incorporation, along with the 14th Amendment, ensured that states could not put in place any laws that took away the constitutionalRead More 14th Amendment -EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW Essay939 Words  | 4 Pages EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW In school especially, as well as throughout our daily lives, we learn in America to live by the idea of freedom and equality for all. We do not allow race, class, or creed to determine a person’s stature in the community. It may seem as if this is the standard of society, but these ideas of equality have been fought over since the beginning of written history, and even in America today, prejudice still exists. To address these and similar problems, the founding fathersRead MoreThe Rights Of State Governments And The Federal Government1442 Words  | 6 Pages1868, the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified stating â€Å"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, withou t due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protectionRead MoreEssay on Affirmative Action1018 Words  | 5 Pagesconsideration. The Fourteenth Amendment states that no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. As a result, Affirmative action is not consistent with the Fourteenth Amendment. In this essay, I will first discuss the violation of Affirmative Action against the Fourteenth Amendment. Second, how AffirmativeRead MoreLoving V. Virginia, Introduction, Facts, Legal Background1567 Words  | 7 PagesLoving v. Virginia Interracial marriage: Respecting the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. I. INTRODUCTION This case note will examine the 1967 landmark Supreme Court case of Loving v. Virginia. The Loving v. Virginia case touched on constitutional principles including equality, federalism, and liberty. Just over 30 years ago, it was a crime for interracial couples in Virginia to marry, or to live as husband and wife. Prior to the 1967 case of Loving v. Virginia
Sexual Orientation, Homosexuality, And Bisexuality
Sexual Orientation can be defined as the persistent pattern of romantic or sexual attraction to another. The opposing person who you are attracted to can either be of the opposite sex, the same sex, or to both sexes. Although these are the three main categories, there are sometimes minor categories that can be used to define sexual orientation as well. This could be where they may consist of being attracted to different gender identities, maybe innate objects, or may not even be attracted to anything at all. Whatever it may be, sexual orientation is not a choice and cannot be changed manually. The three main attractions are generally labelled under heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality. People who are attracted to members of the†¦show more content†¦These people have to face society when people constantly discriminate them on a large scale. This can so often have you feeling like you are alone in the world and lead to common mental health issues. Common mental health issues within them include depression, anxiety, substance abuse problems with family and relationship issues. So that all the people who are of other sexual orientations feel like they are not alone, they created the LGBTQ community. (McGarrity) The L stands for lesbians for the women who are attracted to other women. The G stands for gay men for the men who are attracted to other men. The B stands for bisexuals for the men and women who are attracted to both women and men. The T stands for transgendered. The term transgendered is a broad term that includes cross-dressers, transsexuals, and people who live their lives as the gender other than their birth gender. Transgender people can be straight, gay, lesbian, or bisexual. The Q stands for questioning meaning if someone who is questioning their sexual and/or gender orientation. People think that sexual orientation is something that is â€Å"caused†or â€Å"developed†. This is not the specific case because researchers can show that it is based on biological factors that are in place before birth. This means that it can come from studies of family histories and genes. Plenty of research has been conducted to determine the influence of genetics,
Entrepreneurship Economic Development
Question: Discuss about theEntrepreneurshipfor Economic Development. Answer: Introduction All over the world, the economic development has largely been heavily influenced and driven by entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship has been able to create new job opportunities and open up potential markets and impacted positively on the global economy. Most countries in the world are encouraging entrepreneurship among the youth and women to drive the economy. This assignment will focus on discussing the central concepts associated with entrepreneurship and how the concepts contribute to the national and global economy. Furthermore, the role of entrepreneurship policies and their contributions to the United Arab Emirates economy will also be enumerated. Concepts and Understanding of entrepreneurship According to Yetisen et al. (2015), entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running a new business by offering a product or service. An entrepreneur is a person who can identify an opportunity, take risks and create a business to attain profits. Advancement in technology has fueled entrepreneurship by presenting many business opportunities in the field of technology especially information technology. The major role of an entrepreneur is innovation and taking risks to exploit an opportunity (Zhang, et al. 2015). Entrepreneurship has its challenges despite its benefits. For instance, lack of capital is the most common problem affecting entrepreneurship. Others include lack of experience, poor inventory, poor management, lack of financial management skills and inability to manage the growth of the business (Burdus, 2010). Entrepreneurship is influenced by several factors which determine its success or failure. These factors include globalization, demographics, development of new technology, the internet, etc. Contribution of Entrepreneurship to National and Global Development Entrepreneurship is being embraced by various governments to spur economic growth and create job opportunities for the youth. Entrepreneurship has been widely emphasized both in developed and developing countries as a mechanism to reduce the increasing unemployment rates. It is for this reason that entrepreneurial hubs and centers have been set up in the main cities around the world such as Silicon Valley in California, Shenzhen Hi-tech industrial park in China, silicon wadi in Israel, Tsukuba in Japan, and Suwon in South Korea among others. Many of the new business created by these entrepreneurial hubs have made a huge difference in the world such as Facebook, Google, Cisco Systems, Adobe, etc. from the Silicon Valley. For instance, the GDP of California, India, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea have increased and unemployment rates reduced in the last decades partly due to entrepreneurship especially in the technology and computer fields. Silicon Valley is ranked third in GDP per capit a in the world (MNM partners, 2015) The millennium development goals which were set by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the World Bank are majorly dependent on entrepreneurship to realize these aims, especially for developing countries. Some of the wealthiest individuals on in the world amassed their wealth through entrepreneurship, and they have contributed to global development through products that are life changing. Entrepreneurship Policies in the UAE and the Impact on the Economy The United Arab Emirates economy is the second largest after Saudi Arabia and traditionally based on petroleum and gas. The various governments in the Emirates have identified entrepreneurship especially research and innovation to develop the economy to counter the consequences of fluctuating oil and gas prices. This plan is based on established innovation hubs and technology parks in higher institution of learning. For instance, the United Arab Emirate of Abu Dhabi is planning on injecting US$300 billion to build high-tech institutions of learning to foster innovation (Khaleej Times, 2015).The United Arab Emirates government has come up with a national innovation strategy. The plan is based on education funding and youth training. The national innovation strategy prioritizes innovation in health, technology, transportation, clean energy; education and water (The United Arab Emirates, 2015).The Dubai Hub in Dubai and Dubai Education city are already under construction to boost innovation in technology and education respectively. Dubai hub brings together all innovators in the seven Emirates (The National, 2013).These change policies are having a positive effect on the economy which has seen megaprojects in hospitality, tourism and transport being completed and earning billions of revenues for the UAE government Conclusion Entrepreneurship is the best mechanism for fostering national and global development. Creditors and lenders should encourage entrepreneurship, especially among the youth by enabling them access capital so as to take advantage and realize real business opportunities. The United Arab Emirates is strategically positioning itself as the next innovation hub to spur entrepreneurship development. However, United Arab Emirates should improve its ease of doing business by getting rid of the bureaucracy. Moreover, the country should come up with policies to encourage and promote female entrepreneurs. References AK Yetisen., LR Volpatti., AF Coskun., S Cho; E Kamrani; H Butt; A Khademhosseini; SH Yun (2015).Entrepreneurship, Lab chip Burdus E. (2010). Fundamentals of entrepreneurship. International Comparative Management,Volume 11, Issue 1 Black, E., Burton, F. Greg., W, David, A., Zimbelman, Aaron, F. (August2010). Entrepreneurial success: differing perceptions of entrepreneurs and venturecapitalists. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, p.189-198Deakins, D.; Freel, M. S. (2009). "Entrepreneurial activity, the economy and the importance of small firms, Entrepreneurship and small firms, McGraw-Hill EducationS.X Zhang,J.Cueto (2015).The study of bias in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice The United Arab Emirates (2015).National Innovation Strategy. Retrieved from https:// strategy-en.pdf?sfvrsn=2
How Is ones Perception of the Absurd developed (through the Character of Meursault) in the Outsider Essay Example For Students
How Is ones Perception of the Absurd developed (through the Character of Meursault) in the Outsider? Essay Albert Camus, born on the 7th of November 1913 in Algeria, was a French journalist, author and philosopher. After World War I many Europeans lost faith and began to question certain aspects of life. Camus and various existential writers, such as Samuel Beckett, judged that life was mainly monotonous and grey and that the â€Å"loss of human ultimate certainties†occurred. Although Camus openly said: â€Å"No, I am not an existentialist†, mainly two philosophical notions can be found in The Outsider. Absurdism is â€Å"the belief that human beings exist in a purposeless, chaotic universe†, thus all efforts of humans to find rationality will ultimately fail as no such meaning in life exists. Another philosophy which is pervasive in the novel is existentialism, which is the belief â€Å"that people are searching to find out who and what they are throughout life as they make choices based on their experiences, beliefs, and outlook without the help of laws, ethnic rules, or traditions†. The Outsider is the story about Meursault, the narrator and protagonist, who, following a series of irrational events commits homicide and is put on trial. Through different key elements, like the character of Meursault and momentous situations, one is able to determine these tenets on the absurd and meaninglessness of human life. These elements play an important role of the perception of the philosophy woven into the content of the novel. Meursault and Camus both are part of an alienated ethnic group called the Pieds-Noirs, which neither belong to their native land France, nor their adopted country Algeria. They are alienated and rejected from society because of political reasons suc h as their responsibility for the defeat in the Algerian War. The awkwardness of how Camus character deals with emotional situations could portray the authors tendency to existentialism and absurdism. Therefore this paper will focus on the analysis of the portrayal of the Meursaults reaction and feelings towards 3the emotions of grief, love and guilt. By such the reader is trying to find evidence of philosophical tenets through the content of the novel. In the very first paragraph of the book, Meursault receives information about his mothers passing away. As the book also closes with an event of death, the novel is framed with a sad situation, as one would generally perceive it. â€Å"Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don’t know. I got a telegram from the home: Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow. Faithfully yours. That doesn’t mean anything. Maybe it was yesterday. The syntax is short, easily understandable, with caesura marking his dull process of thought. Such a situation normally establishes empathy within the reader, because one can identify with the thoughts and emotions of the protagonist. Meursaults reaction however contradicts the readers natural reception of death. Due to the authors repeated usage of the adverb â€Å"maybe†, one is not able to relate to the characters response. It remains uncertain whether Meursault hesitates to grieve out of an emotional shock, or out of lack of affection. This absence of emotion is underlined by the short and cold telegram, as the text is minimized and no word of condolence is stated. Normally the reader identifies with a grieving protagonist, how ever Camus achieves confusion by not allowing such. This is further highlighted by a second paragraph which situated after the funeral of his mother. Here Meursaults indifference and attitude towards death is clearly perceived. â€Å"It occurred to me that anyway one more Sunday was over, that Maman was buried now, that I was going back to work, and that, really, nothing had changed.†(Camus, p. 24) .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c , .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c .postImageUrl , .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c , .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c:hover , .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c:visited , .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c:active { border:0!important; } .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c:active , .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3ee824b36b6aaaeb090516e30f27f42c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: I Remeber Mama EssayCamus implies that for Meursault â€Å"nothing had changed†. This triggers the reader to conceive that Meursault is not grieving his mothers death. One could argue that it might have been the authors intention to leave the question about Meursaults past with his family open to the reader. Or does Camus animate the reader draw upon her own experiences? Another emotion that reveal Camus philosophical thoughts is love. Meursault shows a certain callousness towards his girlfriend Marie. The following paragraph creates a straight forward picture of the protagonists relationship. â€Å"A minute later she asked me if I loved her. I told her it didnt mean anything but that I didnt think so. She looked sad. But as we were fixing lunch, and for no apparent reason, she laughed in such a way that I kissed her.†(Part 1 Chapter 4) This might provoke a hostile feeling within the conservative reader. By definition, love is an â€Å"intense feeling of deep affection†, it can bring meaning and purpose into life. This contradiction implies that the protagonist is a loveless person. The reader is poised to perceive a sense of rejection towards Meursault; his lack of altruism seems to portray his meaningless attitude towards life. Yet again the reader can only empathize on a minimalistic base with the protagonist. This lack of identification creates doubt within of what the character of Meursault lives for. At this point one is able to see how Camus uses the notion of love and Meursaults indifference concerning it, to guide the reader towards re-thinking the purpose of life. During the interrogation after his arrest for homicide, Meursault is asked to recall the events. Here again the reader is exposed to Camus philosophical views. This time the notion of existentialism. The author uses the feeling of guilt and the characters unemotional perspective, is yet another way to shape the readers thoughts. â€Å"I realized that Id destroyed the balance of the day and the perfect silence of this beach where Id been happy. And I fired four more times at a lifeless body and the bullets sank in without leaving a mark.†(p 60) The fact that he shoots â€Å"four more times†at the corpse could emphasize again the detachment of Meursault from the world. What is his motive behind shooting at a dead body? Again Camus leaves his reader with a question, almost like an appeal to ones own consciousness. The author continues to trigger the readers comprehension of right and wrong. Camus states that Meursaults motivation behind the homicide was mainly circumstantial; the sun â€Å"burning on forehead†(P. 67) in combination with the sweat and â€Å"light†glinting of the gun. Despite the fact that Meursault was the knife in the Arabs hand, he pulled the trigger due to an uncomfortable feeling rather than threat of the weapon. It seems as though nature influenced his decision, and thus the murder. At this point Meursaults emotional detachment of the situation can be translated into some way of existentialism or the development of such. The philosophical idea on existence is later highlighted by the fact hat Meursault does not understand why it is â€Å"necessary†to have a lawyer represent him. Furthermore the author creates confusion with Meursaults motive for killing and the readers understanding of it. It does not seem logical for one that nature plays a great role in the decision for homicide. However Camus could impose this decision being based on the irrationality of the universe. Is nature a reason for murder or can there ever actually be an acceptable justification for murder? Therefore one can deduct that here Camus story to awake his audience, using the perception of his protagonist, to tell a fable on the absurd meaning of life. .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9 , .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9 .postImageUrl , .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9 , .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9:hover , .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9:visited , .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9:active { border:0!important; } .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9:active , .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9 .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7054db73fb3651d8bd9697fb541da0a9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Antigone - Creon as a Tragic Hero EssayIn the last part of the novel, Meursault is convicted of homicide and imprisoned. When he is put on trial, Camus creates a new important scenario, one could perceive as the crescendo of the novel and the fable. The courtroom symbolizes society and the trial its contradictions. â€Å"I thought my case was very simple†is what Meursault thinks of the trial. For the first time, the reader is not opposed towards Meursaults reaction or feelings. But his conversations with the magistrate reveal that the trial is in fact about the protagonists view of certain aspects of his life and not about the malicious shooting. This becomes clea r when Meursault confesses to the homicide. However for the magistrate and the courtroom it is more complex than this conviction; they want an explanation. At this point the reader again the tenet of the irrationality of the universe. There is no logical explanation for the court to try to understand his indifference. Meursault took the decision to kill a human being, and stands straight for it. On the other hand society cannot accept his motive, thus his honesty, as a valid justification behind the crime, which proposes such irrationality. They cannot interpret the child like behavior of the convict, and come to the conclusion that he has â€Å"no place in a society whose most fundamental rules ignored, nor knew nothing of the most basic human reactions†(2.4.) . In conclusion Camus makes it hard for the reader to deduct these philosophical notions
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Product Quality free essay sample
List some important physical properties of the fabric. The properties of textile fabrics are important for the control of quality, as well as for end use determination. There are several physical properties of fabric which affecting the performance and aesthetic of fabric. The first one is fabric count, it influences thickness of the fabric. It is the number of ends or picks per inch for woven fabrics, or the number of wales or courses per inch for knit fabrics. Variation occurs because of the weaving or knitting process and from finishing processes. Usually the higher the fabric count, the better the quality and the higher the cost. The second is fabric unit weight. It is the mass per unit area. It is expressed in one three ways; ounces per square yard, ounces per linear yard, and linear yards per pound. It is significant in determining both end use and quality. Moreover, it is fabric width. We will write a custom essay sample on Product Quality or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It means the distance from one edge to the other. Measurement is made perpendicular to the fabric edge, usually including the selvage area. The width is expressed in inches and is usually an average number of measurements taken at evenly spaced interval along the fabric pieces. Next one is fabric shrinkage. It is the process in which a fabric becomes smaller than its original size, usually through the process of laundry. It is undesirable property to the apparels. So the material has to be either shrink resistant or shrink recoverable, such as anti-shrink finish is to keep the fabric smooth and free from undesirable shrinkage. The last one is fabric thickness. It is the distance between the upper and lower surfaces of the material. It is measure under a specific pressure. Warmth and bulk properties depend on the fabric thickness- to-weight ratio. It can also be used as a performance indication of abrasion resistance or shrinkage tests. Generally speaking, the thicker the fabric is, the more comfortable in wearing. 6. What is the commonly used fabric inspection system? Mainly, two industry methods used are the Ten point and Four point systems. The most commonly used is four-point system. A minimum of 10% inspection of fabrics is required. The four-point system derives its name from the basic grading rules that a maximum of four penalty points can be assessed for any single defect. Normally, we inspect 10% of the rolls we receive and evaluate them based on this system. This way, we can avoid fabric related quality problems before it is put into production The following table shows the point system. Size of Defect| Penalty Points| Length of defects in fabric (either length or width)| Defects up to 3 inches| 1| Defects gt; 3 inches lt; 6 inches| 2| Defects gt; 6 inches lt; 9 inches| 3| Defects gt; 9 inches| 4| Holes and openings(largest dimension)| 1 inch or less| 2| Over 1 inch| 4| After inspection, the inspector will add up the defects points and then use the following formula to determine the rate of points per 100 yards. There are some common fabric faults, such as bow, skew, hole, mispick etc. Fabric checker should know common defects found in fabrics and he must recognize defects on the fabric at the time of fabric inspection. For the acceptance criteria and calculation, 40 points per 100 yards is the acceptable defect rate. The ten point system for piece goods evaluation was approved by the Textile distributors institute and the National Federation of Textile, in 1955. It is designed to identify defects and to assign each defect a value based on severity of defect. The system assigns penalty points to each defect depending on its length and whether it is in the warp (ends) or weft (fill) direction. The following table shows the point system.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Sample Essay About Childhood Friend
Sample Essay About Childhood FriendIt may sound like a lot of work for just a sample essay about childhood friend, but this kind of writing can be more fun than anything else. Here are some things you should consider before you begin. You'll be surprised by the time and effort it takes to get this done, but once you learn how, it will really add up in the end.There is a way to make your writing more personal with this kind of essay. The first thing you need to do is make sure that you have a writer's voice and a style of writing that fits you. Your style will dictate the kind of samples you'll need and how long you want to write them.Most people do not want to write out a very long sample essay about childhood friend. The reason is that they don't want to bore their readers. This is a time when you want to keep it quick and simple. You can use these sample essays in any kind of setting, from online articles to business letters.People will choose a sample essay because they have diffe rent reasons for writing one. Some write them because they are friends, others want to impress their boss, and still others may be interested in writing something about their childhood friendship that will get their name out there and show their love for a person. Whatever the reason, it is important to know how to use them properly so that your reader gets the most out of them.To write a sample essay about childhood friend, you'll need to put yourself in the situation where you know the person. If you meet the person in person, you can think of the best way to describe the person that way you know them. You may want to take notes or jot things down for the event because you'll be able to include those things in your essay.Even if you do not know the person in person, writing a sample essay about childhood friend can be fun. Imagine having a chance to talk to this person in person. You can make it a fun experience by including the background information about the person that will he lp the reader understand why he or she chose this essay topic in the first place.You have to be careful though in writing these essays. You do not want to make them too personal, because this may make them seem annoying to your potential readers. By keeping your topics about these friends simple, you will avoid alienating anyone. You will be able to get your point across without having your writing become too personalized.Writing a sample essay about childhood friend can be a lot of fun. It is just a matter of writing what you know. That way, you can ensure that your essays do not contain any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Free Essays on Teaching Perspective
Teaching Perspective Teaching to me is broken down into two major facets. The first being that you are there to help teach new subjects to children that they need to comprehend and learn what is being taught in the classroom. Second, teachers need to be able to help children apply what they learn in everyday life. This is why I want to teach so very badly. I want to be able to help people grow, mature, and learn life’s lessons. I think that teachers have the greatest possible job because they will be able to affect the minds of 20 –30 kids every single year for the rest of their lives. When you think about how much of your life is spent in a classroom from preschool up to your senior year of high school, it is amazing. Today’s youth needs people that want to be there to help them learn about things for their future. Parents put a lot of trust and faith in teachers to help their children progress in life. This is why teaching excites me so much. I want to help shape the minds of tomorrow’s future. One thing I know is that some children don’t get enough guidance or attention from their parents at home. They come to school because they want to feel important and learn new things everyday. These are kids that want to make a difference, whether they realize it or not. I cannot wait to be with these children everyday. These kids have endless possibilities for their future, and I want to help make their dreams become reality. Every student is special in their own way, and brings unique characteristics to the table. I want to help these children excel to the highest levels they can everyday. Teaching allows you to see your results on many different levels, and that is an exciting aspect about it. I know that as I got older, it seemed my parents got busier with their lives and started to pay less attention to me. School was my way to feel proud about things I was doing on a daily basis. Now my parents we... Free Essays on Teaching Perspective Free Essays on Teaching Perspective Teaching Perspective Teaching to me is broken down into two major facets. The first being that you are there to help teach new subjects to children that they need to comprehend and learn what is being taught in the classroom. Second, teachers need to be able to help children apply what they learn in everyday life. This is why I want to teach so very badly. I want to be able to help people grow, mature, and learn life’s lessons. I think that teachers have the greatest possible job because they will be able to affect the minds of 20 –30 kids every single year for the rest of their lives. When you think about how much of your life is spent in a classroom from preschool up to your senior year of high school, it is amazing. Today’s youth needs people that want to be there to help them learn about things for their future. Parents put a lot of trust and faith in teachers to help their children progress in life. This is why teaching excites me so much. I want to help shape the minds of tomorrow’s future. One thing I know is that some children don’t get enough guidance or attention from their parents at home. They come to school because they want to feel important and learn new things everyday. These are kids that want to make a difference, whether they realize it or not. I cannot wait to be with these children everyday. These kids have endless possibilities for their future, and I want to help make their dreams become reality. Every student is special in their own way, and brings unique characteristics to the table. I want to help these children excel to the highest levels they can everyday. Teaching allows you to see your results on many different levels, and that is an exciting aspect about it. I know that as I got older, it seemed my parents got busier with their lives and started to pay less attention to me. School was my way to feel proud about things I was doing on a daily basis. Now my parents we...
Saturday, February 29, 2020
A Letter Concerning the Tuition Fee Increase in the Campus Essay Example for Free
A Letter Concerning the Tuition Fee Increase in the Campus Essay ? This academic year in our school had been very exciting and full of learning for the students. The school had been efficient enough in providing us the quality education that students’ need in preparation of their future careers. However it had been a serious issue in the campus among us, students, the continued increase in our tuition and other fees.  Students see, that in order to escalate further the quality of education in our school, the school has to face strenuous modifications in technology, books, and other school facilities. However, there would always a need for students to be consulted first about the issue, because these matters would always concern us. Along with the increase in the tuition fee is the increase in all other fees. Why? First, if the school would not fight for a greater state subsidy, then the school had to pay for the bills, the salary as well as to the technology and materials it would employed. With this matter, the budget would come from the tuition of the students and everything else would be increased; Internet fee, laboratory fee, school paper, etc. Second, education is supposed to be a right and not just a privilege, but with the continued increase in the tuition fee, along with other miscellaneous fees in the campus, there had been an apparent decline in the enrollment rate compared to the previous years. This only shows that few students were able to access the right to education because of the increase. Hence, there is a significant relationship between tuition fee increase and to the limited access of students to education (Dalton 2006). A similar study from the Rand Corporation in 1995 indicated that for every 10percent increase in the tuition fee of the students, there would be a 1.97 percent in the enrollment of the focus of study. Third, the effect of tuition fee and other fee increases would be felt less by those of the middle class brackets. Most of the burden would be felt by those in the lower class; usually with among black and with ethnic backgrounds. Accordingly, majority of the students in most schools were usually coming from the lower bracket and they were the ones who were greatly affected. The school is the only way for these students to move to the next ladder in the society. The tendencies for these students are to dropout or to transfer to a cheaper school with low educational standards. Needless to say, the educational preparation that they got is not enough to equip them for a high paying job in the future. The tuition fee increase that the school implemented is a subtle permit for the state to less care for the educational welfare of its citizens. Students are wary of the fact, that because of the tuition fee increase, we have to burden ourselves with part time jobs more than double just to compensate for the shortage in budget. Students recognized that tuition fee increase in needed to uplift the educational quality in this school. However, it is too fast and too soon to implement. Students are not prepared yet; emotionally, physically and financially.  There was no consultation in the increase in fees. It had always been our right to know and the responsibility for this school to be transparent. The students carried the baggage of financial hardship just to beautify the school, but the education that we got before then was still the same as now. Except of course in slight innovations in the laboratory facilities and in technology, the same education system we got from the school. If tuition fee increase is really bound to happen, we wanted to be prepared for it. We wanted an apparent positive change in the learning that we got; of course it is not to say that we got no learning from this school, it is just that, the change in learning is just minimal. This school has been our battleground to combat poverty, to uplift our situations and to gain learning. If the school is to increase its tuition fee and other fees, we expect that it would also provide subsidy through scholarship, or other alternative solutions to augment our financial difficulties. As well as it is the responsibility of our parents to finance our education; it is also the responsibility of the state to provide to its people the right to education. But how could we get this if tour very right has now become a mere privilege. The sad fact is, not the privilege of the majority but of the few only.  If we are destined to suffer from the tuition fee and other fee increases, would it be right that we would also demand great changes in everything. Would the payment that we give, be enough for us to pose subordinate command over our instructors and over other employees; anyway, we paid for them. Students believe, that in this school, students of characters should be made and not just a mere passive, technologically dependent ones. We need support to develop our minds, which is the role of this school. But where would we go now if this school would deprive us of that need? We seek to be consulted first, we need data of its great benefits on us, and we need alternatives for the increase that is accessible for everybody and not only for the few. [Name of the Sender] [Position/Occupation] Works Cited Dalton, McGuinty. â€Å"Canandian Federation of students.†8 March 2006 A Letter Concerning the Tuition Fee Increase in the Campus. (2017, Feb 21).
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Financial Group Work 1 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Financial Group Work 1 - Coursework Example Venture capital is very significant in job creation and also as an innovation tool within geographical area or an economic sector. Before 1985, China had no venture capital activities on board, but in the following years it succeeded in fostering a venture capital industry through government funded initiatives. Due to China’s ambitions to cultivate a more innovative economy, China’s State Science and Technology Commission in 1985 developed the China New Technology Venture Capital Investment Corporation (CNTVI) which was the first VC firm to operate in China. Although investment activities geared up in 1990’s, in 1980’s several other government funded VC firms had joined the market (Zhang 35). Tax benefits were put in place (early 1990’s) to incentivize investment in VC in young Small to Medium sized Enterprises (SME’s). By creating state operated and funded VC firms, several provinces started to participate in VC markets (by early 1990’s). There was a major shift in VC policy in 1998 after CNTVI was shut down because it failed to commercialize development and research projects and was replaced by the Innovation Fund for Small and Medium Technology-based Enterprises (Innofund) which was one of the first hybrid VC funds. Though Innofund had no much impact, it led to the rise of additional hybrid VC in the following years (Zhang 76). By the start of mid-2000’s, increased VC market participation among several other implemented policies like encouraging foreign investment and diversifying VC sources were very successful. In 2010 total VC investment was 30 times greater than that of 1999 (Zhang 154). Some of the current Chinese economic policies include; In the late 1980s, the first generation of VC began its operations and the movement gained momentum in 1990s. As the number of start-up companies expanded, the international
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Microsoft Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Microsoft - Term Paper Example What is the company’s overall mode of doing business? Microsoft’s overall mode of doing business revolves around its strategies and diversification. Established back in 1975, the company has made significant progress in the area of information technology. Their aim was to facilitate people and organizations in doing business globally with an integrated computer technology (Farhoomand). They have altered the way people use to communicate, entertain and work by developing a list of market software, hardware and service devices. These were based upon enhancing the convenience level and revealing an entirely new area of opportunities. Their mode of doing business is incorporated with the development of significant revenues, sustenance of services and products, trade of hardware devices and advertisement of portfolio to a wide range of customers (Farhoomand). Their fundamental product range includes operating systems particularly designed for contemporary computers, phones, servers and the devices with enhanced artificial intelligence. Additionally they have server and productivity applications, solution generating business applications, facilities for online marketing and video games (Farhoomand). All of these products and service features are available to their customers around the globe with an addition of hardware devices such as Surface RT, Kinect especially for Xbox 360 etc. Furthermore, Microsoft provides an experience of online browsing and communication through its products including Bing, MS office, Skype etc. (Rivkin). In order to increase the work experience of their clients they are continuously working for the further development of hardware, software and services consistent with the latest technology. They extensively believe in the empowerment of individuals and businesses through providing them value and opportunities to grow (Farhoomand). Following Income Statement of Microsoft Corporation represents the financial position of the comp any in the year 2012-2013 (Earnings Release FY14 Q1: Financial Statement). How are they positioned competitively in the markets they serve and what are their fundamental strengths and weaknesses that play into their positioning? Positioning Microsoft is competitively positioned in the consumer and business markets through the incorporation of software and hardware devices and an extensive range of applications for business solutions and entertainment (Farhoomand). In a broader perspective their business positioning can be categorized into following segments (Farhoomand). Platform Services and Products: This segment is particularly positioned to provide the online services to the global customers such as internet browsing, communication, networking etc. Business Segment: Microsoft has greatly enhanced the overall nature of businesses internationally through providing its renowned office applications. However, in order to remain competitive Microsoft did not chose to cater the needs o f large multinational organizations which were already benefitting from Oracle and Sap rather it positioned itself to the small enterprises. Entertainment Segment: Microsoft entered into the gaming market in 2001. This initiation was intended to position the company’s products and services to the entertainment industry. Strengths and Weaknesses Microsoft’s major strengths include its provision of advanced services provided to the global customers while continuously evaluating and improving its management plans. Although the drastic change in political environment and increase in terrorist activities have brought greater challenges for the company but Microsoft was able to manage its business operations and product positioning through research and
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Harold E. Stearns’ Critique of American Culture in the Book, Civilization in the United States :: American America History
Harold E. Stearns’ Critique of American Culture in the Book, Civilization in the United States Harold E. Stearns and his colleagues set out on a mission to enlighten and inform the American society of the 1920’s in their book entitled Civilization in the United States. Thirty-three authors with the aid of an editor, Stearns, instead produced a highly controversial and inadequate account of certain aspects of life in American society. According to critic Arthur Schlesinger the writers of Civilization in the United States fell short of their goal of producing a critical depiction of American society and instead wrote "supercilious reflections" (167). There are three main themes presented in each essay included in Civilization. They are as follows: Americans are hypocritical, American civilization is not Anglo-Saxon nor nationalistic, and finally American social life lacks emotion. Stearns chose his writers very carefully. He wanted each of them to be blunt and straight to the point in their essays, especially when writing on these three themes. In his preface, Stearns himself states: "If these main contentions seem severe or pessimistic, the answer must be: we do not write to please; we strive only to understand and to state as clearly as we can" (vii). It is obvious that Harold Stearns wanted to voice his ideas and those of his counterparts in an open, bold fashion and that is why each essay touches on the main themes mentioned above. Critic Arthur Schlesinger, however mentions in his critique of Civilization that if there are any common themes in these essays at all, that they certainly are not the ones Harold Stearns mentions. Rather, Schlesinger hints that the theme is that Americans are "cocksure but bewildered children in a world [they] cannot understand" which is new and constantly changing (168). He feels that overall, each author wrote his or her own opinion and didn't follow a common theme in the true sense of the word. It is apparent to me that the critic has a valid point and his opinion coincides with my own opinion. Stearns may have had a common theme in mind when he organized the writing of Civilization, but it seems as if the authors went a bit off track. Some of the topics discussed in Civilization in the United States were "The Intellectual Life," "The City," "Economic Opinion," "History," "Business," "Engineering," "Politics," "Journalism," and "Philosophy" to name a few. As critic Arthur Schlesinger notes in his review of the book, the topics and authors included in this account of
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