Monday, December 30, 2019

Examining the Pros and Cons of a Four-Day School Week

Across the United States, several school districts have begun to explore, experiment with, and embrace a shift to a four-day school week.  Just a decade ago this shift would have been unimaginable.  However, the landscape is changing thanks to several factors including a slight change in public perception.   Perhaps the biggest shift giving leeway to the adoption of a four-day school week is that an increasing number of states have passed legislation giving schools the flexibility to substitute the number of instructional days for instructional hours.  The standard requirement for schools is 180 days or an average range of 990-1080 hours.  Schools are able to switch to a four-day week by simply increasing the length of their school day.  Students are still getting the same amount of instruction in terms of minutes, just in a shorter number of days. Too Early to Tell The shift to a four-day school week is so new that the research to support or oppose the trend is inconclusive at this point.  The truth is that more time is needed to answer the most pressing question. Everyone wants to know how a four-day school week will impact student performance, but conclusive data to answer that question simply does not exist at this point. While the jury is still out on its impact on student performance, there are several clear pros and cons of moving to a four-day school week.  The fact remains that the needs of every community are different.  School leaders must carefully weigh any decision to move to four-day weekend seeking out community feedback on the topic through the use of surveys and public forums.  They must publicize and examine the pros and cons associated with this move. It may turn out to be the best option for one district and not another. Saving School Districts Money Moving to a four-day school week saves the district money.  Most schools that have chosen to move to a four-day school week do so because of the financial benefits. That one extra day saves money in the areas of transportation, food services, utilities, and some areas of personnel. Though the amount of savings can be argued, every dollar matters and schools are always looking to pinch pennies. A four-day school week can improve student and teacher attendance. Appointments for doctors, dentists, and home maintenance services are able to be scheduled on that extra day off.  Doing this naturally boost attendance for both teachers and students. This improves the quality of education the student receives because they have fewer substitute teachers and are themselves in class more often. Higher Teach Morale Moving to a four-day school week boosts student and teacher morale.  Teachers and students are happier when they have that extra day off.  They come back at the start of the workweek refreshed and focused. They feel like they accomplished more over the weekend and were also able to get some extra rest.  Their minds come back clearer, rested, and ready to go to work. This also allows teachers more time for planning and collaboration.  Many teachers are using the day off for professional development and preparation for the upcoming week. They are able to research and put together higher quality lessons and activities. Furthermore, some schools are using the day off for structured collaboration where teachers work and plan together as a team. Better Quality of Life for Families The change can provide students and teachers more time with their families.  Family time is an important part of American culture. Many parents and teachers are using the extra day off as a family day for activities such as exploring a museum, hiking, shopping, or traveling.  The extra day has given families the chance to bond and do things that would not have been able to otherwise. Teachers Already on Board The change can be a great recruiting tool for attracting and hiring new teachers.  The majority of teachers are on board with the move to a four-day school week. It is an attractive element that many teachers are happy to jump on.  School districts that have moved to a four-day week often find that their pool of potential candidates is higher in quality than it was before the move. Evidence Against a Four-Day School Week Moving to a four-day school week increases the length of the school day.  The trade-off for a shorter week is a longer school day. Many schools are adding thirty minutes to both the beginning and end of the school day.  This extra hour can make the day pretty long especially for younger students, which can often lead to a loss of focus later in the day.  Another drawback to a longer school day is that it gives students less time in the evening to participate in extracurricular activities. Shifting Costs to Parents Moving to a four-day school week also has many drawbacks. The first of which is that it shifts a financial burden to parents.  Childcare for that extra day off can become a major financial burden for working parents. Parents of younger students, in particular, may be forced to pay for costly daycare services.  In addition, parents must provide meals, typically provided by the school, on that day off. Student Accountability The extra day off may also lead to less accountability for some students.  Many students may be unsupervised on the extra day off.  The lack of supervision translates to less accountability which could potentially lead to some reckless and dangerous situations.  This is especially true for students whose parents work and make the decision to allow their children to stay home by themselves in lieu of structured childcare. Moving to a four-day school week will potentially increase the amount of homework a student receives.  Teachers will have to resist the urge to increase the amount of homework that they give to their students.  The longer school day will give students less time in the evenings to complete any homework.  Teachers must approach homework cautiously, limiting homework during the school week and potentially giving them assignments to work on over the weekend. Still A Divisive Subject Moving to a four-day school week can divide a community.  There is no denying that the potential move to a four-day school week is a sensitive and divisive topic.  There will be constituents on both sides of the aisle, but little is accomplished when there is contention.  In difficult financial times, schools must examine all cost-saving options. Members of the community elect school board members to make difficult choices and they ultimately must trust those decisions.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Cause And Effects Of Acid Mine Drainage Essay

The Cause and Effects of Acid Mine Drainage INTRODUCTION nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Imagine going fishing on a cool Autumn day, the trees are all different shades of orange, brown and red and the birds are singing their beautiful songs, but their is a serious problem because when you arrive at the river all plant and animal life are gone. This is by no means a recent phenomenon. This is due to the effects of acid rock drainage (ARD). This is a problem that has been occurring since ancient times, but it was not until the 1800s when fast growing industrialization and heavy mining that it caught alot of attention. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Acid rock drainage is the term used to describe leachate, seepage, or drainage that has been†¦show more content†¦Each of the chemicals in acid mine drainage is toxic to fish and aquatic insects in moderate concentrations. At real high concentrations all plant life is killed. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;quot;Underground mines that are likely to result in ARD are those where mining is located above the water table. (Kelly 1988)quot; Most of the mines are also located in mountainous terrain. quot;Underground workings usually result in a ground water table that has been lowered significantly and permanently. (Kelly 1988)quot; Mining also helps in the breaking of rock exposing more surface area to oxidation. OTHER SOURCES OF ARD nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ARD is not necessarily confined to these mining activities. quot;Any process, natural or anthropogenic, that exposes sulfide- bearing rock to air and water will cause it to occur. (Ellison amp; Hutchison)quot; There are examples of natural ARD where springs produce acidic water. These are found near outcrops of sulfide-bearing rock, but not all exposing sulfide rock will result in ARD formation. quot;Acid drainage will not occur if sulfide minerals are nonreactive, the rock contains sufficient alkaline material to neutralize any acid produced, or the climate is arid and there is not adequate rainfall infiltration to cause leakage. (Ellison amp; Hutchison 1992)quot; CHEMISTRY nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;quot;The most important factor inShow MoreRelatedThe Cause and Effects of Acid Mine Drainage1699 Words   |  7 PagesThe Cause and Effects of Acid Mine Drainage INTRODUCTION Imagine going fishing on a cool Autumn day, the trees are all different shades of orange, brown and red and the birds are singing their beautiful songs, but their is a serious problem because when you arrive at the river all plant and animal life are gone. This is by no means a recent phenomenon. This is due to the effects of acid rock drainage (ARD). 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Human Resource Officers and Managers Free Essays

Human Resource Officers and Managers play a special role in a company or establishment whether it is a school, bank, factory or a firm. They are the ones who screen the aspiring employees of the company. The Human resource officers are the judges in the company whether an applicant has the qualities fitted for the vacancies in their companies. We will write a custom essay sample on Human Resource Officers and Managers or any similar topic only for you Order Now Nowadays, according to the article I have read, there are many changes that happen in the positions of the employees, their roles and their functions in the group. It noted that the changes undergone by the HR officers are not as grand as the other positions of the company. The changes that have gone with the HR officers may not be that big, but the article stated that the company or corporation, no matter how big or small it is must have at least an HR officer in order to have better communications with their heads regarding business matters. I think HR officers are designed to be the bridge of the heads to its subordinates. The HR officers must have the qualities like expertise in the communication strategies, managerial skills and the like. HR Managers are now involved in the planning of the organization, setting marketing preferences and also for conducting leadership trainings and programs that will enhance its members and employers to the fullest regarding their works in the industry. There has been a problem to the increasing cost rate of the benefits for employers. Years after years, the benefits that the employers are receiving are getting more expensive, such as for health services and the like. In the present times, the HR Managers must act on it in order to preserve the budgets and assets of the companies they are in. Since employers already know that there are benefits while they are working, it is wrong to cut or halt the benefits they are receiving. Moreover, they might organize a union that could harm the existence of the company. Therefore, there should be ways in order to prevent such things to happen. Also, it is the duty of the HR Managers to help in the brainstorming of the ways to minimize the harm or should we say remove the harm for the company by the increasing benefits that the employers receive. From the article â€Å"The Chief Human Resource Officer†, it can be said that the demand for high quality human resource officers are really needed. The existence of these kinds of people will contribute to the increasing innovations of the companies in the world and might as well lead the company to new working skills that are essential in the workplace. Another article I have reviewed was from â€Å"America’s Retirement: Voice† says that there really is an increase of the benefits that employers received such that of the health insurance benefits which is 8. 6% and the pension plans that are occupying the 4. 6% of the total compensations cost. Thus, the benefits mentioned are only for government employers. It said that the two major benefits received by retiring employers already exceeded other benefits that other employers receive such as with the paid sick and vacation leaves, and the other insurances issued for those employers who are not retiring. On the other hand, the private sector’s employers receive more benefits in their health insurances that comprise the 5. 9% of their payments and the other one is the Social security contributions that in turn get the 4. 9% of the total compensations. Since these benefits are really high, this is now, according to the article, local government officials tend to observe and give focus on it. I can see that the rise for the benefits for the employees happen because the old workers give higher quality product than the work and product of the younger ones. I remember one of my professor’s sayings that â€Å"Quality is measured by age† which may be true in this aspect. Older people might have gotten so many experiences that they already developed the skills that make them assets of the company. Moreover, the older workers only had the capacity to be of good quality since they have been in the company for years and they experience working in the company with or without the innovations. They are more flexible than the younger ones, so the company will of course give them high recognition and importance. The report says that there was a plan of the private sector employers to control the benefits that the retirees are receiving. Their target year was 2003. They already modified their DB (Defined Benefit) plans in order to cater their employers still the benefits they deserve however in a controlled manner. In figure 5 of the report, the graph shows the decline of the DB plans, which is really big. It was a big decrease of the given benefits and they already achieved something out of their planned controlling of the benefits. I think employees are given the privilege to have check – ups once or twice a year in order to detect whether or not they are still fit for the job. Many are already provided health care opportunities and insurances to avoid much leaves and incapacity for the work. Also, the health care insurances might give the option for the employers and employees to avail of the different supplemental foods that could help strengthen the employers. Indeed, HR managers are assets to a company. Even though from one report, I have read that quality HR members are not that easy to be found, and is a problem of some small businesses, it is really needed to have an HR manager with a star quality. I think one way of managing the rising costs of the benefits employers receive is to select a highly recommended HR Manager who can facilitate the dealings of the problem. An HR manager that will give good strategies to solve the problem is in demand with this kind of situation. References Gaylen N. Chandler. Human Resource Management, TQM, and Firm Performance in Small and Medium-Size Enterprises. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Vol. 25, 2000. Retrieved 10 December 2007 from http://www. questia. com/googleScholar. qst;jsessionid=HdHXPtqRjpHmJQTb6Qy0HHS1MV14B3nmgqh2dqZ4v7FY26fb8xKP! -1609856024? docId=5002378696 The Chief Human Resource Officer. Retrieved 9 December 2007 from http://www. heidrick. com/NR/rdonlyres/91911795-CDC1-4DDD-A820 A6C88D9058BF/0/HS_TheCHRO. pdf Public Sector Retirement. Retrieved 10 December 2007 from https://www. nrsservicecenter. com/content/media/retail/pdfs/REI_report. pdf – Measuring and Benchmarking Benefits. 2004. Retrieved 10 December 2007 from http://www. google. com/url? sa=tct=rescd=2url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. iqpc. co. uk%2Fbinary-data%2FIQPC_CONFEVENT%2Fpdf_file%2F4019. pdfei=aBldR-2BMYGQgAOk-oC8DAusg=AFQjCNHX2AxRSau5d9qDHYrSJ1UcaZJW1wsig2=6a7qJMFG4gHhw4oArdRL4Q How to cite Human Resource Officers and Managers, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Introduction To Statistics Populations And Samples

Question: Describe about the Population and Samples in form of Statistics? Answer: i) Data for the amount paid for the sample of families appears to follow normal distribution with positively skewed or skewed to the right data. It appears to be unimodal with peak observed around the category 350 but under 400. ii) Histogram Data for the amount paid for the sample of families appears to follow normal distribution with positively skewed or skewed to the right data. It appears to be unimodal with peak observed around the category 350 but under 400. b) Nominal data Data which can only be categorised. Even if it contains numerical data no numerical operations can be done. Eg: Serial No., Name of the earning person of the family. Ordinal data The data can be ordered in increasing or decreasing order. Eg: amount paid for the sample of families are ordered in increasing order of amount. Sample data consists of few observations drawn from the population. More than one sample can be drawn from the population. Eg: amount paid for the sample of families for 50 families included. Population data Consists of each and every observation. a) Ogive is a line histogram plotting cumulative frequency against classes. Frequency Table- Class Frequency Cumulative Frequency Under 250 0 250 but under 300 8 8 300 but under 350 10 18 350 but under 400 14 32 400 but under 450 9 41 450 but under 500 6 47 500 but under 550 1 48 550 but under 600 2 50 Ogive graph For the above grouped data summary statistics was calculated including mean, median, mode and standard deviation. Standard Deviation and variance provides measure of dispersion. Mean 381 Median 375 Mode 375 SD 75.92 Variance 5764 b) The mean obtained by colleague having access to raw data is 370 and mean calculated from grouped data is 381, which is little higher than the actual mean. Eg: Suppose below values present the number of different playing cards owned by group of friends 9, 15, 11, 12, 3, 5, 10, 20, 14, 6, 8, 8, 12, 12, 18, 15, 6, 9, 18, 11 Average for this data will be given by Mean = sum/N = (9+15+11+12+3+5+10+20+14+6+8+8+12+12+18+15+6+9+18+11)/20= 11.1 Now, if we construct its frequency table and think that we lost the original data then, Number of Cards Midpoint Frequency Product 1 - 5 3 2 6 6 - 10 8 7 56 11 - 15 13 8 104 16 - 20 18 3 54 Sum 20 220 Mean 11 Mean = sum of product/sum of frequency = 220/22 = 11 So, actual mean is 11.1 and grouped frequency mean is 11. Difference between mean calculated using the two above different methods may be due to rounding of data because in grouped data we are estimating mean based on midpoint of the class interval and frequency and not the actual data. i) Mean is obtained by dividing sum of all observations with the total number of observations to get the midpoint of the data while the median is the middle value which separates data into two equal half. Mean gets influenced by few higher values while median does not. In our case, Amount paid above 450 are very less and will influence mean but not median. So, median will provide better measure for central tendency. ii) Approximately 82% people paid less than 475 and 60% of people pay less than or equal to 375 which is the midpoint of class 350 but under 400. These values are derived by calculating cumulative percent. Ogive for Cumulative Percent iii) To calculate 68% interval of amount paid we add and subtract standard deviation from mean which is given by Lower 68% = mean sd = 381 75.92 = 305.08 Upper 68% = mean + sd = 381+75.92 = 456.92 Thus, 68% interval is 305.08 - 456.92. i) Graph Based on the equation obtained forecast values for four quarters of 2015 are 2015 1 2 3 4 408.0 412.8 417.7 422.5 b) These values are not forecast as the seasonal effect observed in the values from 2011 to 2014 is missing in the trend values for 2015. c) As the values are discrete and grouped in the three categories for four quarters column graph was used to represent the data. Also, direct comparison in each quarter can be made. References: 1) Populations and Samples. Stat Trek Teach yourself statistics. Available from: (accessed on 11 Mar 2015) 2) Introduction to Statistics. Available from: (accessed on 11 Mar 2015)