Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Underground War in Gaza Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
The Underground War in Gaza - Essay Example In this work, the author was targeting people with plans to encourage peace at Gaza and those who love current affairs. This work creates an understanding of what is happening in Rafah. For instance, it is revealed that depart their residents for worry of being destroyed by the Israelites who destroy houses to demolish tunnels and enemy hideouts. For the lovers of the current affairs, the work informs them on how Gaza war is ongoing. For example, one understands why Israel continues with the destruction of homes. The essay organization reflects what I am doing with the purpose. For example, the essay begins with an overview of the war at Gaza. Next, a thesis is developed as to why this war has continued despite the peace efforts from different countries. In the essay quotes have been used to strengthen the essay. For example, the word Israel has been quoted to imply that it is regarded as the main enemy in the Gaza war. This is because this assumption has been developed by the civili ans of Gaza and thus it has not been proved. Also, quotes have been used in indicating expert’s opinions regarding the Gaza war. The writer’s strategy of presenting his work as comic is what interested me. This is because the strategy helped in reaching different audiences who are convinced to read this work due to its comical nature. I have also addressed the author arrangements. For example, he came up with conclusions after conducting interviews and making comparisons with news.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Deontological ethics Essay Example for Free
Deontological ethics Essay Utilitarianism ethics accentuates that the activity that should be ethically beneficial to the group. In further terms, the outcome of any moral activity ought to be valuable for all by mass offer. This is a universal fundamental theme for ethics in industrialist economies and business as well as in all governments. Virtue Theory is also known as virtue ethics focal point on the person’s character as opposed to the standards and outcomes of the particular acts. This fundamentally means that the prime focus is endured or not to the person who acting ethically is a person who upholds the high virtues and morals, in expressing the good character in people. , plan, results and conclusion are not so much immaterial; nonetheless, the significance of virtue theory is first and foremost. Dissimilar to virtue theory, deontology has a substantial accentuation on obligation in activity, in adherence to runs the show. The right activity is essential here, whereupon fruition, ought to achieve the best useful for all included. This is to some degree like utilitarianism, which does concentrate on the result of the best great. Be that as it may, deontology does not incline toward the result itself, yet all the more so the guideline behind submitting the right activity. The moral behind deontology is about rule and after tenets. Every one of the three of these ethical practices has substantial likenesses. The essential comparability is outcome of activity. Despite the fact that result is not generally the essential center of the activity, it is normal in every one of the three theories that the outcome ought to have a gainful come about as a conclusion of the activity. Whether the activity is focused around rule, qualities or ethics, the end sought to legitimize the methods. The most ideal approach to express the contrasts between virtue theory, utilitarianism and deontological ethics is to take a typical situation and examine from these three alternate points of ETHICS ESSAY 3 view. A person who polishes good virtual ethics would call attention to that by helping the individual, doing so would be a magnanimous demonstration and would express great character of the individual supporting the one in need. One who practices utilitarianism would say that by helping the individual, doing so would be useful for both the individual in need and the individual making a difference. A deontologist would say that by helping, it would be so in agreement to an ethical tenet, for example, karma, or what you do to others will return to you. As the illustration shows, virtue theory concentrates on an individuals ethical morals, and not on any particular conclusion or guideline. Utilitarianism has a stress on more prominent elses benefit, concentrating on an advantageous conclusion for all persons included, where the results of acting are useful to a group. At long last, deontology stresses obligation as the particular activity being carried out in fulfillment of emulating a particular good code, governor charge. In past role as a sales/inventory associate for Centennial wireless. A problem with ethical decisions came up on a daily basis on the job. On a daily basis, I had to do the daily deposits and check each associate cash drawer that always had 100. 00 dollars in them at all times. Multiple times a sales rep had over their cash drawer or short. If they were short, they had to place the cash that was short to equal 100. 00 dollars or if they were over they had to deposit the average. When I check their bags, I gave them a warning they had till business hours to replace that money or just to deposit it. I keep the record for my records, and if it happens regular basis, I get the manager involve. The reason I keep the information to myself is because a sale person can give too much change to a customer and does know till I or they count their cash drawers at the end of their shift. So I understand mistakes can happen. My decision on this issue is based on the utilitarianism theory that looks for the best outcome for everyone within a particular situation. ETHICS ESSAY 4 In conclusion, one can addition further understanding into ethical and social obligation by analyzing the similitude and contrasts between utilitarianism, virtue theory and deontological ethics. Through further understanding of these similitude and contrasts one can start to understand the criticalness social and ethics obligation plays in particular and business achievement. The previous examination portrays the contrasts in how every theory addresses morality and ethics. The dissection likewise incorporates a particular experience clarifying the relationship between temperance, qualities, and good ideas as they identify with one of the three speculations. Besides, the examination clarifies how the data on social and ethics obligation achievement or disappointment, contingent upon the execution of the learning one addition from the information and the choices one makes. References: MANIAS, N. (2013) ETHICS APPLIED 7TH EDITION. PEARSON EDUCATION INC. (2013).
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Theories of Depression
Theories of Depression Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental process (Rathus 4). By looking at mood disorders in psychology we can see that major depression has affected more than 15 million American adults, about 6.7% of the U.S. population age 18 and older in the year 2016 (Anxiety and Depression Associatin of America). There are generally two types of mood disorders; depression and bipolar disorder. Depression mostly involves feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness, guilt, and great sadness. According to the DSM-IV, an individual needs to be diagnosed with five or more of nine symptoms in order to be declared depressed. Persistent depressed mood for most of the day, loss of interest or pleasure in all, or almost all activities, significant weight loss or gain due to changes in appetite, sleeping more or less than usual, speeding up or slowing down of physical and emotional reactions, fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness or unfolded guilt, reduced ability to concentrate or make meaningful decisions, and recurrent thoughts of death or suicide. Also, the individual must have at least one of the first two symptoms with their five total symptoms to be considered depressed (Rathus 423). According to the DSM-V, there are quite a few types of depression that an individual can experience. The primary example of depression is Major Depression; this can also be known as Chronic Major depression, and or Unipolar Depression. Some symptoms may include persistent anxious, sadness or an empty mood thought the day, feelings of pessimism or hopelessness, irritability and or sudden angry outburst, persistent certain physical symptoms that may not respond to treatments, loss of interest in all or all most all activities that can include sex, decrease in energy, changes in sleeping or eating habits that can result to over or under sleeping and weight loss or gain. Dysthymia is the secondary type of depression mentioned in the DSM-V. This is an overwhelmed state of a chronic state of depression, that was again explained; feelings of a depressed mood for most of the day but must be for at least two years. When an individual experiences dysthymia; he or she may show symptoms of appet ite or weight changes, feelings of fatigue and helplessness, low self-esteem, changes in sleep, and poor ability to concentrate or make meaningful decisions. SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder has also been mentioned in the DSM-V. This is most common in the harsh winters where there is little light for the body to secrete certain hormones for the body to function properly. The best solutions to aid this problem is to have artificial sun light projected to the individual or either go to a tanning salon. The tanning salon also used artificial sunlight to tan the skin or change the pigment within the skin (American Psychiatric Association). Depression has supporting evidence in both sides of the Nature and Nurture Debate. Biologically, the thyroid gland can affect an individuals depression state. Depending of the amount of certain hormones produced in the thyroid gland, a person may show signs of the nine symptoms described by DSM-IV. Some hormones that may affect an individuals depression state are thyroid stimulating hormones, triiodothyronine and thyroxine. Have too much or too little of these hormones may result in a few conditions such as, sleep disturbances, weight loss or gain, trainability or nervousness, fatigue, forgetfulness, inability to tolerate heat or the cold, and dry skin or hair (WebMD). Also, disorders such as depression and anxiety have the tendency to occur more often in close relatives of affected individuals than they do in the general population. Between 20 and 25 percent of people who is affected with mood disorders have a family member who is affected by a similar disorder. On the side of the nurture debate, the physiocratic view of depression is that same people are prone to depression because they suffered a real or imagined loss of a loved object or person in childhood. Some learning theorists believe that learned helplessness makes people prone to depression. This was demonstrated by a psychologist named Martian Seligman when he conducted an experiment on dogs. The dogs were taught that they were hopeless to escape from electric shock. First, he placed a barrier in the dogs cage to prevent them from leaving when shocks were administered. Later the barrier was removed. However, hen shocks ere again administered, the dogs made no effort to escape. They had learned there was nothing to do to stop the pain (Rathus 424, 425). In the field of psychology, there are many types of theories for different subjects. Depression has many theories which have different implications for the therapy that is used to treat it. Directly and indirectly, the social environment plays a role in depression. Three examples of depression theories are rank theory of depression, Psychodynamic theory of depression and Becks cognitive theory of depression. Theories are used to help treat depression and for an example for each, a female named Sam. The first example used in Wades example would be rank theory depression. Sam made many friends in High School and was well-known throughout school. She would have a major position in the student council and would be the captain and the star player of two major sports teams. As Sam would walk through the hallways, she would find pleasure in being greeted. Sam would be excited over the thought of going to college and having the opportunities of interacting with a new group of people. However , when in college, the idea of instantaneous social acceptance would not be a reality. Starting from the bottom of the social hierarchy, Sam could not begin to understand or accept her new social position and became frustrated and angry; later towards the end of her first semester she would feel depressed. By applying the social rank theory, phycologists may now begin to determine why Sam is depressed. According to Stevens and Price, when organisms are demoted to a lower social rank, they will become depressed in order to accept this fact and reduce their desire to get back on top (Stevens A.). This is an evolutionary function and is designed to avoid conflict between the new and old leaders (Stevens A.). Her treatment should be focused on Rational Emotive Therapy which teaches her that being a leader can be irrational (Wade). The next theory, presented by Sigmoid Freud; is psychodynamic theory of depression which states that depression is a result from anger from imbalanced cognitions and behavior in childhood. To present this theory say for example Sam grew up in a strictly Catholic household that prided on being perfect. Sam has a loving and overprotective mother and a father who overbearing and abusive. However, Sam only displaces positive emotions to her parents and becomes confused on the child. She cannot be angry at her parents because they are essential for survival and she wants to please her parents, but is unable to do so. So instead of being angry at her parents she directs the anger inwards towards herself, this happens unconsciously according to Freud. The treatment based off of the psychodynamic theory would need the Sam to decrease her self-punishment and allow her to understand that it is okay to not be perfect (Wade). Instead of feeling disappointed that she is not perfect, she should ha ve the mind set to work towards perfection; perfection is non-existent. Setting small goals may also help her but only if she allows herself to feel accomplished. Lastly, Becks cognitive theory of depression states that the primary cause of depression is through negative thoughts (Rashmi Nemade). First off, what is cognitive psychology? It is the study of mental processes such as, memory, language, perception, creativity, thinking, attention and problem solving (Wikipedia). Going back to Sam, she thinks that she would never be able to please her parents and that she would be stuck in her social position for the rest of her college career. No matter how much effort Sam put into her activities she would never succeed. Sam is also homosexual and her parents do not accept her because of it. She feels that her future would compromise of either being untrue to herself or defying her parents. There are three thoughts that result in her depression: belief that all efforts are futile, no hope for the future and feeling inadequate. During her therapy sessions, she would be taught to view failures as challenges that are possible to overcome and she needs to know that she is in control of her lifes course (Wade). Sam would have adopted an enchasing attribution to her problems that would enable her to feel hopeful about her efforts and the future (Schneider). References American Psychiatric Association. Diangnostic and statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. DSM-5. 2013. Anxiety and Depression Associatin of America. Anxiety and Depression. August 2016. . Rashmi Nemade, Natalie Staats Reiss, and Mark Dombeck. Cognitive Theories Of Major Depression Aaron Beck. 19 September 2007. . Rathus, Spencer A. Psychology Principles in Practice. Auston: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2003. 4. Schneider, F. W., Gruman, J. A., Coutts, L. M. Applied Social Psychology: Understanding and Addressing Social and Practical Problems. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2005. Stevens A., Price J. Evolutionary Psychiatry: A New Beginning. London: Routledge, 2000. Wade, Rebecca Michelle. Theories of Depression. 5 October 2011. . WebMD. Depression, the Thyroid, and Hormones. 2016. . Wikipedia. Cognitive Psychology. 2016. .
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
A boy once approached Socrates with the desire to obtain wisdom. Without saying a word, Socrates led the boy down to the edge of the sea and walked in, beckoning him to follow. When they were standing waist deep in the water, Socrates pushed the boy down, completely submerging his head. He held him thus for a couple of minutes, until the boy was almost to the point of death, before letting him up. Sputtering and angry, the boy demanded to know why Socrates had held him underwater for so long. In response, Socrates asked, "when you were under the water, what did you want more than anything in the world?" After a moment's reflection, the boy answered, "I wanted to breathe." "Ah," Socrates replied. "When you desire wisdom and knowledge as much as you desired to breathe, it is then that you shall have it." Learning is a talent. It is something that is born from an intense desire to gain knowledge and it is something that can be practiced and improved upon. During our high school career, we have not only been learning how to conjugate verbs or how to integrate polynomials, but w...
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Hunters: Phantom Chapter 11
Elena hung up the phone. She and Bonnie had discussed everything that was going on, from the mysterious appearance of Celia's and Meredith's names to Margaret's upcoming dance recital. But she hadn't been able to bring up what she had real y cal ed to talk about. She sighed. After a moment, she felt under her mattress and pul ed out her velvet-covered journal. Dear Diary, This afternoon, I talked with Caleb Smallwood on the front lawn of my house. I barely know him, yet I feel this visceral connection with him. I love Bonnie and Meredith more than life itself, but they have no idea what it's like to lose your parents, and that puts a space between us. I see myself in Caleb. He's so handsome and seems so carefree. I'm sure most people think his life is perfect. I know what it's like to pretend to have it together, even when you're coming apart. It can be the loneliest thing in the world. I hope he has a Bonnie or a Meredith of his own, a friend he can lean on. The strangest thing happened while we were talking. A crow flew straight at us. It was a big crow, one of the biggest I've ever seen, with iridescent black feathers that shone in the sun and a huge hooked beak and claws. It might have been the same one that appeared on my windowsill yesterday morning, but I wasn't sure. Who can tell crows apart? And, of course, both the crows reminded me of Damon, who watched me as a crow before we even met. What's strange – ridiculous, really – is this dawning feeling of hope I have deep inside me. What if, I keep thinking, what if somehow Damon's not dead after all? And then the hope collapses, because he is dead, and I need to face that. If I want to stay strong I can't lie to myself. I can't make up pretty fairy tales where the noble vampire doesn't die, where the rules get changed because it's someone I care about. But that hope comes sneaking up on me again: What if? It would be too cruel to say anything about the crow to Stefan. His grief has changed him. Sometimes, when he's quiet, I catch a strange look in his leaf green eyes, like there's someone I don't know in there. And I know he's thinking of Damon, thoughts that take him somewhere I can't follow anymore. I thought I could tell Bonnie about the crow. She cared about Damon, and she wouldn't laugh at me for wondering whether there were some way he might still, in some form, be alive. Not after she suggested the very same thing earlier today. At the last minute, though, I couldn't talk to her about it. I know why, and it's a lousy, selfish, stupid reason: I'm jealous of Bonnie. Because Damon saved her life. Awful, right? Here's the thing: For a long time, out of millions, there was one human Damon cared about. Only one. And that one person was me. Everyone else could go to hell as far as he was concerned. He could barely remember my friends' names. But something changed between Damon and Bonnie, maybe when they were alone in the Dark Dimension together, maybe earlier. She's always had a little crush on him, when he wasn't being cruel, but then he started to take notice of his little redbird. He watched her. He was tender with her. And when she was in danger, he moved to save her without a second thought as to what it might cost him. So I'm jealous. Because Damon saved Bonnie's life. I'm a terrible person. But, because I am so terrible, I don't want to share any more of Damon with Bonnie, not even my thoughts about the crow. I want to keep part of him just for me. Elena reread what she had written, her lips pressed tightly together. She wasn't proud of her feelings, but she couldn't deny they existed. She leaned back on her pil ow. It had been a long, exhausting day, and now it was one o'clock in the morning. She'd said good night to Aunt Judith and Robert a couple of hours ago, but she didn't seem to be able to make it into bed. She'd just puttered around after changing into her nightdress: brushing her hair, rearranging some of her possessions, flipping through a magazine, looking with satisfaction at the fashionable wardrobe she hadn't had access to in months. Cal ing Bonnie. Bonnie had sounded odd. Distracted, maybe. Or perhaps just tired. It was late, after al . Elena was tired, too, but she didn't want to go to sleep. She final y admitted it to herself: She was a little afraid to go to sleep. Damon had been so real in her dream the other night. His body had felt firm and solid as she held him; his silky black hair had been soft against her cheek. His smooth voice had sounded sarcastic, seductive, and commanding by turns, just like the living Damon's. When she had remembered, with a sickening horror, that he was gone, it had been as if he had died al over again. But she couldn't stay awake forever. She was so tired. Elena switched off the light and closed her eyes. She was sitting on the creaky old bleachers in the school gym. The air smel ed of sweaty athletic shoes and the polish they used on the wooden floor. â€Å"This is where we met,†said Damon, who she now realized was sitting beside her, so close the sleeve of his leather jacket brushed her arm. â€Å"Romantic,†Elena replied, raising one eyebrow and looking around the big empty room, the basketbal hoops hanging at each end. â€Å"I try,†Damon said, a tinge of a laugh coloring his dry voice. â€Å"But you chose where we are. It's your dream.†â€Å"Is it a dream?†Elena asked suddenly, turning to study his face. â€Å"It doesn't feel like one.†â€Å"Wel ,†he said, â€Å"let me put it this way. We're not actual y here.†His face was serious and intent as he gazed back at her, but then he flashed one of his sudden, bril iant smiles and his eyes slid away. â€Å"I'm glad we didn't have gymnasiums like this when I did my studies,†he said casual y, stretching out his legs in front of him. â€Å"It seems so undignified, with the shorts and the rubber bal s.†â€Å"Stefan said that you played sports then, though,†Elena said, distracted despite herself. Damon frowned at Stefan's name. â€Å"Never mind,†she said hastily. â€Å"We might not have much time. Please, Damon, please, you said you're not here, but are you anywhere? Are you al right? Even if you're dead†¦ I mean real y dead, dead for good, are you somewhere?†He looked at her sharply. His mouth twisted a little as he said, â€Å"Does it matter that much to you, princess?†â€Å"Of course it does,†Elena said, shocked. Her eyes were fil ing with tears. His tone was light, but his eyes, so black she couldn't tel where the iris ended and the pupil began, were watchful. â€Å"Everyone else – al your friends – this town – they're al okay, though, aren't they? You have your world back. There are such things as col ateral damages you have to expect if you're going to get what you want.†Elena could tel from Damon's expression that what she said next would matter dreadful y. And, in her heart of hearts, hadn't she admitted to herself the other day that, as much as she loved Damon, things were better now, that everything could be good again with the town saved and her returned to her old life? And that she wanted it that way, even if it meant Damon was dead? That Damon was what he said: collateral damage? â€Å"Oh, Damon,†she said at last, helplessly. â€Å"I just miss you so much.†Damon's face softened and he reached for her. â€Å"Elena – â€Å" â€Å"Yes?†Elena murmured. â€Å"Elena?†A hand was gently shaking her. â€Å"Elena?†Someone stroked her hair, and Elena nuzzled sleepily into the touch. â€Å"Damon?†she said, stil half dreaming. The hand paused in its stroking and then withdrew. She opened her eyes. â€Å"Just me, I'm afraid,†said Stefan. He was sitting next to her on her bed, his mouth a straight, tight line, his eyes averted. â€Å"Oh, Stefan,†said Elena, sitting up and throwing her arms around him. â€Å"I didn't mean – â€Å" â€Å"It's al right,†Stefan said flatly, turning away from her. â€Å"I know what he meant to you.†Elena pul ed him toward her and looked up into his face. â€Å"Stefan. Stefan.†His green eyes had a distant expression. â€Å"I'm sorry,†she said pleadingly. â€Å"You have nothing to apologize for, Elena,†he said. â€Å"Stefan, I was dreaming about Damon,†she confessed. â€Å"You're right, Damon was important to me, and I†¦ miss him.†A muscle twitched at the side of Stefan's face, and she stroked his jaw. â€Å"I wil never love anyone more than I love you, Stefan. It would be impossible. Stefan,†she said, feeling like she might cry, â€Å"you're my true love, you know that.†If only she could reach out and show him with her mind, make him understand what she felt for him. She'd never ful y explored her other Powers, never ful y claimed them, but losing their telepathic connection felt like it might kil her. Stefan's expression softened. â€Å"Oh, Elena,†he said slowly, and wrapped his arms around her. â€Å"I miss Damon, too.†He buried his face in her hair and his next words were muffled. â€Å"I've spent hundreds of years fighting with my only brother, with us hating each other. We killed each other when we were human, and I don't think either of us ever got over the guilt and the shock, the horror of that moment.†She felt a long shudder go through his body. He sighed, a soft, sad sound. â€Å"And when we final y started to find our way back to being brothers again, it was al because of you.†His forehead stil resting on her shoulder, Stefan took Elena's hand and held it between both of his, turning it over and stroking it as he thought. â€Å"He died so suddenly. I guess I never expected†¦ I never expected Damon to die before I did. He was always the strong one, the one who truly loved life. I feel†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He smiled a little, just a sad twist of his lips. â€Å"I feel†¦ surprisingly lonely without him.†Elena entwined her fingers with Stefan's and held his hand tightly. He turned his face toward hers, meeting her eyes, and she pul ed back a little so she could see him more clearly. There was pain in his eyes, and grief, but there was also a hardness she had never seen there before. She kissed him, trying to erase that hard edge. He resisted her for half a second, and then he kissed her back. â€Å"Oh, Elena,†he said thickly, and kissed her again. As the kiss deepened, Elena felt a sweet, satisfying sense of rightness sweep through her. It was always like this: If she felt distanced from Stefan, the touch of their lips could unite them. She felt a wave of love and wonder from him, and held on to it, feeding the emotion back to him, the tenderness between them growing. With her Powers gone, she needed this more than ever. She reached out with her mind and emotions, past the tenderness, past the rock-solid love that was always waiting for her in Stefan's kiss, and delved deeper into his mind. There was a fierce passion there, and she returned it, their emotions twining together, as their hands held each other harder. Beneath the passion, there was grief, a terrible, endless grief, and farther stil , buried in the depths of Stefan's emotions, was an aching loneliness, the loneliness of a man who had lived for centuries without companionship. And in that loneliness was the taste of something unfamiliar. Something†¦ unyielding and cold and faintly metal ic, as if she had bitten into foil. There was something Stefan was holding back from her. Elena was sure of it, and she reached deeper into his mind as their kisses intensified. She needed al of him†¦ She started to pul back her hair, to offer him her blood. That always brought them as close as they could possibly be. But before he could accept her offer, there was a sudden knock on the door. Almost immediately it opened and Aunt Judith peeked in. Elena, blinking, found herself alone, her palms stinging from the speed with which Stefan had pul ed away from her. She looked around hastily, but he'd vanished. â€Å"Breakfast is on the table, Elena,†Aunt Judith said cheerful y. â€Å"Uh-huh,†Elena said, distracted, peering at the closet, wondering where Stefan had hidden himself. â€Å"Are you al right, dear?†her aunt said, her forehead creased with concern. Elena had a sudden picture of how she must look: wide-eyed, flushed, and disheveled, sitting in her rumpled bed and looking wildly around the room. It had been a long time since Stefan had needed to use his vampiric speed for anything as mundane as not getting caught in her bedroom! She gave Aunt Judith a reassuring smile. â€Å"Sorry, I'm stil half-asleep. I'l be right down,†she said. â€Å"I'd better hurry. Stefan wil be here to pick me up soon.†As Aunt Judith left the room, Elena final y caught sight of Stefan, waving from the lawn below her open window, and she waved back, laughing, the strange emotions at the bottom of Stefan's mind put aside for the moment. He gestured that he was going around to the front of the house and that he would see her in a minute. She laughed again and jumped up to get ready for the picnic at Hot Springs. It was nice to be the kind of girl who worried about getting grounded. It felt†¦ pleasurably normal. A few minutes later, as Elena, now dressed in shorts and a light blue T-shirt, her hair pul ed back in a ponytail, headed down the stairs, the doorbel rang. â€Å"That'l be Stefan,†she cal ed as Aunt Judith appeared in the kitchen doorway. Elena grabbed her beach bag and picnic cooler from the bench in the hal . â€Å"Elena!†Aunt Judith scolded. â€Å"You have to eat something before you go!†â€Å"No time,†Elena said, smiling at the familiarity of the argument. â€Å"I'l grab a muffin or something on the way.†She and Aunt Judith had exchanged these words, or similar ones, most mornings of Elena's years in high school. â€Å"Oh, Elena,†Aunt Judith said, rol ing her eyes. â€Å"Don't move, young lady. I'l be right back.†Elena opened the door and smiled up into Stefan's eyes. â€Å"Why, hel o there, stranger,†she said softly. He kissed her, a sweet touch of his lips on hers. Aunt Judith hurried back into the hal way and pressed a granola bar into Elena's hand. â€Å"There,†she said. â€Å"At least you'l have something in your stomach.†Elena gave her a quick hug. â€Å"Thank you, Aunt Judith,†she said. â€Å"I'l see you later.†â€Å"Have fun, but please don't forget Margaret's dance recital tonight,†Aunt Judith said. â€Å"She's so excited about it.†Aunt Judith waved good-bye from the doorway as Elena and Stefan strol ed toward the car. â€Å"We're meeting the others at the boardinghouse and caravanning to Hot Springs,†Stefan said. â€Å"Matt and Meredith are both bringing their cars.†â€Å"Oh, good, we won't be as crowded as we were yesterday. Not that I minded sitting on your lap, but I thought I might squish Celia in the middle,†Elena said. She turned her face up and stretched like a cat in the sunshine. A breeze tossed her ponytail, and she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation. â€Å"It's a gorgeous day for a picnic,†she said. The world was alive with birdsong and with the rustle of trees. A faint tracery of white clouds underscored the bright blue of the sky. â€Å"Would it be jinxing ourselves to say it feels like the kind of day where nothing could go wrong?†she asked. â€Å"Yes, it absolutely would be jinxing ourselves to say that,†Stefan said, straight-faced, unlocking the passenger-side door for her. â€Å"Then I won't say it,†Elena said. â€Å"I won't even think it. But I feel good. I haven't been to Hot Springs for ages.†She grinned with pure pleasure, and Stefan smiled back at her, but Elena was struck once again by that certain something new – something troubling – in his eyes.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Frost essays
Frost essays With a Colt pistol pointed dead at the doctor, threatening to shoot if anything happened to his expecting wife, a very erratic William Frost welcomed his son Robert Lee Frost into the world in San Francisco California on March 26, 1874. Frost was named part after his grandfather and after the defeated Civil war general Lee. Thinking that he was the product of a premarital mistake, Robert tried to hide it by saying he was born a year after, in 1875. In the beginning, William was happy with his son, but as his health began to spoil and he took to the bottle. William felt very burdened with his family and would constantly abuse them. Robert, through all the torment and abuse, stuck close to his mother who tried to make up for her husbands abuse by pampering her son. After the death of his father from tuberculosis, Frosts mother, Isabelle, moved Robert and his sister Jeanie to Lawrence, Massachusetts. In 1892, Robert graduated with honors from his high school and was valedictorian along with Elinor White, which was his high school love. After high school Robert went to Dartmouth College and persued a career in poetry. In 1894, he succeeded in having his fist professional publication. The Independent, a literary journal, published his poem My Butterfly: An Elegy. He soon after left college and married his high school sweetheart, Elinor. With his family growing, Frost struggled to get by. Robert and Elinor had six children in total and two died at an early age leaving Frost with one son and three daughters. In 1897, Frost resumed college at Harvard, but he left within two years. In order to support his family, Robert Frost raised poultry on a farm in New Hampshire and he was also teaching at the Pinkerton Academy in Derry. During his days in New Hampshire, Frost became a botanist and took on the New England persona in his writings. Still trying to get his writings published, Frost realized that the A...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Congressional Checks On Presidential Authority - Smart Custom Writing Samples
Congressional Checks On Presidential Authority - Smart Custom Writing Letter From The Future YouDear Mark the Past, The people around me and the fans have consistently asked me on how I have managed to be so successful in being an author. Today’s Mark is the celebrity of the day when it comes to writing. I am now very different from the Mark you were since I have managed to publish various books and series in the last twenty years. Lately, a fan, that is, our fan asked me the key reasons for our success. I have reflected on this for some time and I have found it vital to analyze success from the time I first wrote ‘The Phoenix Factor’. Well, for all that effort, it got very little attention both in the media and in the readers. That, however, did not serve to break my dreams as an author. After a deep self-assessment, I have identified various reasons that kept me going. When I wrote ‘The Phoenix Factor’, the legend in the fiction book, Long John Carraghan, was a character that I now feel was not clearly brought out. Back then, I felt that it was my best effort and that it would be a bestseller. It never did. That strong faith, the urge to better the unbreakable endurance and myself are just some of the key factors that kept me going. The Review, a Massachusetts journal, commented that I was emotionally detached not only from this leading character but also from other key figures. I decided that I had to fight rather than quit. I resolved to write on issues that I deeply cared about. That, I believe, as an author, was my first lesson in the world of writing. Lesson two was all about taking risks. The Mark Doughty known today is for his slightly larger than life characters in the fiction series ‘The Lighthouse’. It is funny how the idea all began. Old Mark, do you still remember it? Sue, this lady I have proclaimed my love for and spent my life with since the 70’s, and I, were exiting from the cinema where the Second Chance series was screening at the height of its fame. At that time, I had almost a non-existent fan-base. At the exit, a young high school kid with a girl at his elbow roughly pushed me aside. Instantly, my temper flared and I demanded an apology from the lad. Before the kid apologized, the girl was excitedly bubbling on how she loved The Phoenix and whether there would be a follow-up on it. I was dumb-founded and mumbled about expecting a lot more to come. Needless to say, I hurriedly left, Sue in hand. All night long, I thought about it and I could not help but think that I had to take a leap of faith a nd start on my new series. Well Mark, you know that was the onset of the success story. You took the risk and you in turn became me. I cannot ignore the fact that J.K. Rowling spent 5 years planning the entire Harry Potter series before putting pen on paper in order to write this famous series. Planning, Mark, was something you never ignored. You did not spend five years but rather three, but that was in the spirit of The Lighthouse. When you finally wrote it down, the ideas were so fluent and the image so clear that success was almost guaranteed. Planning was something you instilled in me and is a weapon that I have learnt to use in the upcoming series ‘The Love Nest’, a series I intend to finally turn into a movie. I do not plan to end the success story any time soon; you worked too hard for this old Mark: The long nights sketching and visualizing on the Series. There was minimal success to show for it at all and it almost broke our marriage. Planning, old Mark was the key. Those early sacrifices are what turned you into me. Finally, I cannot afford to ignore the virtues of hard work and persistence. My experiences have taught me as much. Key role models such as Joyce Carol Oates who said, â€Å"I would write, even when her soul felt as thin as a playing card†have taught me that determination and pure persistence have been vital in shaping me as a celebrity and a success legend. I have had my manuscripts rejected repeatedly, work that I wrote down in over a year, but I never said enough was enough until success came my way. Mark, we made it; let us live the dream! Yours sincerely,
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Personal Story essays
Personal Story essays I was raised with music, television, and the rapid explosion of information and technology. I am apart of the generation that some my mother calls the first truly multicultural and multimedia generation. I live in a society where I can access technology easily and determine my own potential for success. For the first time in my life, I will experience autonomy and discover new roles in family, work, society, and the Church as I begin college, and journey into my first job, or marriage. I have seen 18 years of life, and those years have been full of life! I have lived the maybe not so typical average white, Caucasian female life. I attended Saint Marys Catholic school, Abe Hubert and then Garden City High School. I like to consider myself just American. I have been so lucky as to have two younger brothers, one which is eleven months younger and the other is fourteen years younger then myself. I also have a little sister, who is a freshman in high school. I, of course am th e oldest in the family. My mom and dad are divorced, but my mother has since remarried, and I love my family the way it is, I would not change it for the world. Choosing a topic is somewhat difficult. My church and family have influenced me greatly. I have chosen to stay a virgin until I am married. When referring to virginity, I mostly use the word itself, but sometimes substitute derivatives of "purity" as a joke. In high school, my friends and I mostly used references to The Big V Club, with people being "in the club" or "out of the club." We also had a Big C Club for (mostly reluctantly) celibate people. These were just descriptive terms; we didn't have club activities or enforce membership or anything. In the beginning, I was not aware that I was a virgin or anything else. When I learned what the word meant, I thought it was risque because it referred to sex. I didn't think of myself as a virgin until it became apparent that people my age ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Public Opinion Survey Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Public Opinion Survey Paper - Essay Example The research methods used in in this study to obtain public opinions would be the telephone survey method and the mail survey method. Telephone survey methods according to StatPac, Inc (p.1), are the quickest method of obatining information from a large sample of respondents that number approximately from 100 to 400. In this type of survey, the interviewer is guided by a prepaired questionnaire. Although the mail survey has almost the same featyres as the telephone survey, the differences are that the mail survey method does not permit any deeper probe on the expressed opinion and it usually takes the mail survey to be accomplished in 8 to 12 weeks. Twice longer than the telephone survey. The procedures used in the study is the telephone and mail survey methods. The questionnaire is composed of ten questions, which are in a simple and direct english language so as not to confuse the individual answering the questions. The most imporatant questions are placed at the first half of the questionnaire wherein sufficient space is also provided after each question, allowing other comments/opinions to be expressed. For the mail survey, the return addressed is printed on the questionnaire and a self-addressed postage paid stamp is sent along with the mail survey forms (StatPac, Inc., 1-2). Before Hurricane Ike made its actual land fall, 50% of the viewing public was closely watching its progress (The Pew Research Center, 1), and has already triggered gas prices to soar (, pp1-3). Concerned government offices and personnel dissiminated safety warnings and encouraged local residents to evacuate and leave their homes due to pending disasters. A week after Hurricane Ike’s landfall, residents were persistent in finding out all they could about their homes including going back to see how things are. Authorities on the other hand on
Friday, October 18, 2019
Perspective of ViolenceCriminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Perspective of ViolenceCriminology - Essay Example The most common forms of domestic violence involve emotional and psychological abuse and do not always include behavior that results in physical violence. This can resultin a longer lasting impact on the victim with symptomaticrelated anxiety, trauma and depression. A number of innovative criminal justice system approaches have been developed during the past 15 to 20 years in an attempt to reduce the number of incidences of domestic violence in many countries. Many law enforcement agencies now have policies mandating arrest, or stating a preference for arrest, for domestic violence. Prosecutors are also using a wider array of options to handle domestic violence cases such as no-drop policies, evidence-based prosecution, and special district attorneys assigned to domestic violence cases. As part of the adoption of community policing across the country, local law enforcement agencies are also forming partnerships with community organizations to address domestic violence. All low-income families struggle with limited material resources and related hardships. But families struggling with domestic violence and poverty are likely to have more needs than other families such as, battered women and their children may require protection; men who batter may find themselves facing legal and social service interventions; families will need increased economic resources to survive, and children will require financial stability and emotional comfort. All those who work directly with children and families affected by poverty and domestic violence need to be responsive to these circumstances as well as to the cultural ways in which family members define and most comfortably solve problems. Further, although no single community agency can provide a comprehensive array of the needed responses, collectively, communities can embrace a common vision and work together, across institutional boundaries, to implement this vision as fully as possible. This vision includes th e following five elements of a common practice framework. Young children and their caregivers need to be safe. Domestic violence is a pattern of assault and coercive behaviors including physical, sexual, and psychological attacks, and economic coercion that an adult uses against an intimate partner. This pattern of serious assault is most typically exercised by men against a female partner and sometimes against their children. These assaults are often repetitive and continuous and may leave women and children feeling dazed and bereft. In the face of abuse and assaults, a battered woman with children often confronts two kinds of difficult decisions. First, how will she protect herself and her children from the physical dangers posed by her partner Second, how will she provide for her children This second set of social and economic risks are central in each battered woman's calculation of her children's safety. If, for example, a woman decides to leave her partner to protect herself and her children, where will she find housing and money to f eed her family Who will take care of the children if she must work and her partner is no longer there (Davies, Lyon, & Monti-Catania, 1998) How will she manage the complex, and for many families enduring relationship with the batterer over
The Role of Micro and Macro Factors In Business Decision Making Essay
The Role of Micro and Macro Factors In Business Decision Making - Essay Example This paper illustrates that economics enables firm’s in making the decision related to the production such as infrastructure and input cost, number of units, number of labor and their wages, and utility expenses, etc. are in a way to meet the market demand profitably. Additionally, the pricing decisions with profit margins are conducted on the basis of the competitive landscape of the business. All these plays defining a role in the future revenue stream for the business. Also, economics enables firm’s in making the decision-related to the production such as infrastructure and input cost, number of units, number of labor and their wages, and utility expenses, etc. are in a way to meet the market demand profitably. Additionally, the pricing decisions with profit margins are conducted on the basis of the competitive landscape of the business. All these are critical to maintaining the economic objective of achieving profitability for the firm. In addition to this, a manufa cturing concern like other businesses is also required to understand the macroeconomic factors. For example, government policies in the UK are attractive for local and international wind energy producers. These investments have the role in generating employment. The unemployment level and labor policy of the government will determine the cost of labor for the business (both skilled and unskilled). It also has an impact in determining the future demand for the business product. UK government has also lowered taxation to attract investors in the energy sector. In addition to these fiscal and monetary policy implications, GDP of the economy that determines the purchasing power of the people, etc. Also, the international trade regulations and policies of the country are also important to understand in case the input is imported from abroad or is to be exported to other countries. Hence, business economic play a guiding role in surviving and running and business successfully.
Construction procurement and legal framework for construction Essay
Construction procurement and legal framework for construction operations - Essay Example It may be either small scale or large scale. For successful completion of the construction project, effective planning is crucial. There are various types of construction: 1. Residential building construction 2. Commercial building construction 3. Industrial building construction 4. Heavy civil construction. The type of construction is the chief determinant of the variety of approach to the procurement of construction services. Construction procurement is absolutely crucial to the delivery of a project on time, budget and high quality. Good procurement is synonymous with the success of the project (Fewings 2013). Suicide bidding relating to a very low bid at a tender age, spending, over budgeting and ex ended time frames may all lead to poor standardization. The loss of knowledge about procurement may cause clients to incur unnecessary additional costs that could be avoided by choosing the right method of procuring. Construction is also prone to other conditions such as weather, labo r availability, finance, topography, ground conditions, and logistics. Selecting the absolute optimal and most effective method is difficult as reliance is more based on past statistical evidence. The clients order the construction that may be for sale or for any other usage. The construction procurement basis include determining the criteria for the project, setting contractual framework, setting tender and selection process, inviting the tenders and awarding a contract. There are key priorities that are maintained, that is, standardization, sustainability, reduced cost of procurement and public accountability (Fewings 2013). Standardization There is a legal framework provided for since the conception of contract formation to its execution. The comparison of the standard of building is outlined in the construction contract law. There are qualities checks of the building process that have to be maintained. This includes efficient completion of the project within an agreed time frame . Execution of a construction project is a team work between the clients. The contractor and the consultant therefore advocate for the three or more parties involved to have mutual agreement on the responsibility and roles of each other for successful completion of the project. Sustainability It applies for both physical positioning of structural connections, structural beams, walls, roofs and foundation. The bilateral symmetry and articulation of the design is greatly considered during construction. Sustainability may also be mental, the willingness of the contractor to complete the project in good timing. Reduced cost of procurement All factors of production are taken into consideration during the procurement process. The main aim is to maximize efficiency and consequently, minimize delay. Public accountability The public does a follow up on the ongoing project. This is essential as the critic is deemed necessary for maximum productivity in a unique and efficient way. Importance o f construction procurement (i) Greater skill of worker The regular repetition of an undertaking by an individual firm makes its performance routine.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Famine in Southern Sudan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Famine in Southern Sudan - Essay Example The history of civil wars in Sudan is long and has its beginning in the middle of the last century. But Sudanese have never before been faced to such massive famine. The number of victims is varied in the estimations made by the different agencies and scientists – the limits could be presented as 100,000 – 250,000 lost lives (Creusvaux H. et al., 1999). The actions of the Sudanese government were directed not only against rebels but also against their social base, i.e. civilians. The violations of human rights became a general rule in Southern Sudan. â€Å"Divide et empire†– this principle of Roman Caesars was successfully applied in the conditions of one of the poorest countries of the world. Since the beginning of civil war complicated with local ethical conflicts, the rural population of Southern Sudan was pauperized by driving cattle out, burning crops, massacres and seizing Dinkas and Jur people as war booty (HRF, 1998). Mass murdering of civilians and pauperizing make people leave their homeland and increased dependence of refugees on the external relief. Nevertheless, the Sudanese government prohibited all relief flights into the rebel-held province of Bahr El Ghazal. The ban lasted several months and many people did not get urgently needed food because of the political ambitions of Sudanese Muslim leaders. But even after ban canceling the situation was not changed for better - the start-up lag time was too significant. People did not get not only foodstuffs but also seeds for planting (FAO, 1998).
Book Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Book Review - Essay Example Frustrated from being treated as losers, some students took extreme steps like injuring others and more dangerously killing fellow students and others. If we start analyzing the issue from the root cause, we can understand the reasons why children at young age or adolescents develop the tendencies like harassment, discrimination, maltreatment, singling out, humming and hounding which is nothing but bullying. It is clearly understood that bullying has many forms of intriguing aspects related to it. Boys or girls may start at a tender age but it has its own reasons for such strange behavior. The major reasons for children start bullying depends on the characters of parents and teachers etc., since these are the immediate guardians to the children, if not this parents or teachers at school whoever are close to the children with respect to time get to influence them. Human beings develop or grow by observing the surroundings and so they are called as social animals. Bullying is not what which is imbibed by birth, the situations and people around them make children harass whoever comes in contact with them. Children at young age don’t have that much understanding to differentiate between genders or elderly people, teachers, family members and friends are the easiest scapegoats. The beginning of bullying may start from people surrounding the child start interfering in their matter and trying to alter their thoughts and at the same time molding them in a way what their parent or guardians need their wards to grow. This noble effort may be a good weapon to blend their children into a multi-talent adolescent, but it may have serious consequences if the child is already preoccupied by thoughts of his own. At this time if someone tries to interfere with their thoughts and intentions, emotions that may burst paving a way of bullying whoever tries to bother them. The greatest responsibility of molding
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Construction procurement and legal framework for construction Essay
Construction procurement and legal framework for construction operations - Essay Example It may be either small scale or large scale. For successful completion of the construction project, effective planning is crucial. There are various types of construction: 1. Residential building construction 2. Commercial building construction 3. Industrial building construction 4. Heavy civil construction. The type of construction is the chief determinant of the variety of approach to the procurement of construction services. Construction procurement is absolutely crucial to the delivery of a project on time, budget and high quality. Good procurement is synonymous with the success of the project (Fewings 2013). Suicide bidding relating to a very low bid at a tender age, spending, over budgeting and ex ended time frames may all lead to poor standardization. The loss of knowledge about procurement may cause clients to incur unnecessary additional costs that could be avoided by choosing the right method of procuring. Construction is also prone to other conditions such as weather, labo r availability, finance, topography, ground conditions, and logistics. Selecting the absolute optimal and most effective method is difficult as reliance is more based on past statistical evidence. The clients order the construction that may be for sale or for any other usage. The construction procurement basis include determining the criteria for the project, setting contractual framework, setting tender and selection process, inviting the tenders and awarding a contract. There are key priorities that are maintained, that is, standardization, sustainability, reduced cost of procurement and public accountability (Fewings 2013). Standardization There is a legal framework provided for since the conception of contract formation to its execution. The comparison of the standard of building is outlined in the construction contract law. There are qualities checks of the building process that have to be maintained. This includes efficient completion of the project within an agreed time frame . Execution of a construction project is a team work between the clients. The contractor and the consultant therefore advocate for the three or more parties involved to have mutual agreement on the responsibility and roles of each other for successful completion of the project. Sustainability It applies for both physical positioning of structural connections, structural beams, walls, roofs and foundation. The bilateral symmetry and articulation of the design is greatly considered during construction. Sustainability may also be mental, the willingness of the contractor to complete the project in good timing. Reduced cost of procurement All factors of production are taken into consideration during the procurement process. The main aim is to maximize efficiency and consequently, minimize delay. Public accountability The public does a follow up on the ongoing project. This is essential as the critic is deemed necessary for maximum productivity in a unique and efficient way. Importance o f construction procurement (i) Greater skill of worker The regular repetition of an undertaking by an individual firm makes its performance routine.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Book Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Book Review - Essay Example Frustrated from being treated as losers, some students took extreme steps like injuring others and more dangerously killing fellow students and others. If we start analyzing the issue from the root cause, we can understand the reasons why children at young age or adolescents develop the tendencies like harassment, discrimination, maltreatment, singling out, humming and hounding which is nothing but bullying. It is clearly understood that bullying has many forms of intriguing aspects related to it. Boys or girls may start at a tender age but it has its own reasons for such strange behavior. The major reasons for children start bullying depends on the characters of parents and teachers etc., since these are the immediate guardians to the children, if not this parents or teachers at school whoever are close to the children with respect to time get to influence them. Human beings develop or grow by observing the surroundings and so they are called as social animals. Bullying is not what which is imbibed by birth, the situations and people around them make children harass whoever comes in contact with them. Children at young age don’t have that much understanding to differentiate between genders or elderly people, teachers, family members and friends are the easiest scapegoats. The beginning of bullying may start from people surrounding the child start interfering in their matter and trying to alter their thoughts and at the same time molding them in a way what their parent or guardians need their wards to grow. This noble effort may be a good weapon to blend their children into a multi-talent adolescent, but it may have serious consequences if the child is already preoccupied by thoughts of his own. At this time if someone tries to interfere with their thoughts and intentions, emotions that may burst paving a way of bullying whoever tries to bother them. The greatest responsibility of molding
Warren Buffet Case Study Essay Example for Free
Warren Buffet Case Study Essay Executive Summary: On May 24, 2005, it was announced that Berkshire Hathaway would acquire PacifiCorp. from parent, Scottish Power, for $5.1 billion in cash and $4.3 in liabilities and preferred stock (Bruner, Eades, Schill). After the announcement of the acquisition, the market responded very positively the same day. Berkshire’s stock price had increased by 2.4%, PacifiCorp.’s parent, Scottish Power’s by 6.28% and SP 500 closed up 0.02%. Berkshire Hathaway’s 2.4% shares increase was equivalent to $2.55 billion. Since this is not consistent with results of other acquisitions of the same order, it must be Warren Buffet’s â€Å"cult†-like following that allows this to happen. Rather than rationally studying the market information of the acquisition, the general public puts their trust in Warren Buffett as an investment guru. Berkshire held many different types of industries in their portfolio, but prior to the acquisition of PacifiCorp., Berkshire did not have significant investment in the energy sector. The now more diversified investment portfolio of Berkshire after the acquisition was expected to provide more stable returns. Often throughout the case study, Buffett’s view on a company’s â€Å"intrinsic value†was spotlighted as one of his predominate investing strategies. Book value and the investment outline are the two alternatives to intrinsic value. Buffett rejects them because these alternatives neither can give clear and accurate information about the expected profit in the investment. A company’s intrinsic value, though, is a company’s value relative to the present value of its discounted future cash flows (Bruner, Eades, Schill). And this is how Buffett evaluates his investments, asking will future cash flows provide an acceptable return on investment. Problem: The primary problem in the Warren Buffett case study would be whether or not the intrinsic value of PacifiCorp. justifies Berkshire Hathaway’s bid price? Secondary problems presented include how does the PacifiCorp. acquisition stand up against Berkshire’s â€Å"elephant only†approach to investing? Thus, whether or not PacifiCorp.’s acquisition would be able to further Berkshire’s already staggering annual growth rate of 24%? Analysis: Drawing from the financial statements in the text’s exhibits, PacifiCorp.’s annual operating cash flows equaled $1.76 billion. Given this calculation, it would seem as though it would be a relatively short time before Berkshire Hathaway would accumulate enough value on the acquisition for them to receive an expedient return on their investment. â€Å"The cost of lost opportunity†is a philosophy of Warren Buffett’s that also applies to this case (Bruner, Eades, Schill). By entering into the energy market with the acquisition of PacifiCorp., the firm can hopefully continue on their incredible growth rate trend. Without it, Berkshire would likely have eventually plateaued. Recommendation: It is advised that Berkshire Hathaway follow through with the acquisition of PacifiCorp. The firm will continue to cycle large sums of cash flows through their company with this deal, therefore inducing growth and also adding intrinsic value to their firm. The firm also has a lot to gain by entering into the energy market, which already has a stronghold on American interests and adds diversity to their portfolio.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Effective Leadership In Nursing Practice
Effective Leadership In Nursing Practice Leadership is a trend of a crew and interactive it to people, encouraging, motivating and permitting them to underwrite to accomplishing organisational victory. The leadership requires being strategically focused and his performance practices to build obligation and achieve the best effort from your people. Leadership by invocation a variety of thoughts, reflections, image and include power, influence, followership, dynamic personality, charisma, goals, autocratic behaviour, innovation, cleverness, warmth and kindness. Leadership is help to do the right things to themselves and also for others. In set of direction, build an inspiring vision, and will create something new. Leadership will map out, where you need to go to win as a team or an organization. Mills. (2007). Leadership must continue in every healthcare facility where impression change and achieving high standards of patient care are stipulated in job titles, such as Director of Nursing, Nurse Consultant, or Modern Matron. Leadership combines the use of interpersonal skills to influence others to accomplish a specific goal. (Sullivan and Garland, 2010). Mentorship/leadership from senior leader smoothes is transitions from clinical roles to formal leadership roles. They must learn the business side of healthcare while maintaining the care side. -Kathleen Sanford, DBA, RN, FACHE; Senior Vice President, Chief Nursing Officer, Catholic Health Initiatives, Denver, Colorado. 2.0 Understanding on Leadership Styles There are numerous concepts about leadership styles, many relating a range two conflicting styles with an integer of intermediary stops amongst them. Well try here to contemporary four styles that review many of the standing theories, and to show how they interrelate with alternative, wide-ranging way of considering at leadership style. Krause, T. (2007). Autocratic. Autocratic leaders maintain on doing it all themselves. They have all the power to make all the judgments, and dont frequently tell anyone else approximately what theyre doing. If you work for an autocratic leader, your job is typically to do what youre expressed. Democratic. A democratic leader comprehends that there is no organization deprived of its people. He looks at his and others situations in terms of tasks rather than status, and often refers in decision-making as his own. He receives that expert also means the buck stops with him. Though he understands the organization as an obliging endeavour, he distinguishes that to face the significances of his choices alone. Laissez-Faire Leadership Style. A Laissez-Faire leadership may be the best or the poorest of leadership styles, also recognises as the hands-off ¨ style. He will afford little or no bearing gives to staff. Their will finish much liberty as feasible. All authority or rule given to the employees. They are analogous in that abstracted as passive prevention of problems, decision manufacture and answerability (Avolio et al., 1999). 3.0 Leadership Style Is Apparent In The Effective Provision Of Health Autocratic Leader is sustaining the specialist by force, gravity, pressures, compensation and judgment, or position. While, has perfect image, and potency or may not be track verdict the organization in the particular way, they not nervous with whether anybody else adopts with what they doing or not. Autocratic leadership to variety quick decision-making, and eradicates opinions over how and why belongings get done. If, as is repeatedly true, the lead was alarmed with his own control and standing, hell be observing over his assume, and touching to gurgle any disapproval to him or his thoughts and results. Novelty or the use of others thoughts is only allowable if its fragment of the leaders plan. Effects on the organization Autocratic leaders frequently dispensation fear and caution in their awaken and others in the organization incline to facsimile their defence of their situation. Habitually, autocratically -led organizations are not mostly supportive of special relationships, but much additional input to chain-of-command. Everyone has her individual sphere, and keeps it at all outlays. Communication inclines to go in solitary one direction up as a result of which report can become the normal way of scattering news in the organization. Autocratic leadership affords a stable and threatened work location and conclusive, active leadership. While the autocratic leaders are not insufferable and dreaded, but rather respected, and even precious be contingent on their own behaviours, example like anybody else or they can be enjoyable people, even eager to attend and act on others ideas- on the organization itself like armed or soldiers want somebody resolutely in charge. Democratic Leader, Recognises that there is no organization deprived of its people. He looks at his and others sites in standings of tasks rather than prestige, and often accesses in decision-making. While he petitions, ethics, and takes into reason others attitudes, however, he sees the vital responsibility for judgment making as his own. He accepts that authority also revenues the lowest stops with him. Democratic leadership invitations are the contribution of staff affiliates and others, not only in executive, but in determining the organizations vision. It agrees everyone to express sentiments about how things should be done, and where the organization should go. By carrying in everyones thoughts, it augments the organizations potentials. But it unmoving leaves the final choices about what to do with those philosophies in the indicators of a single person. Effects at the organization Democratic leadership, with its prominence on equivalent status, can inspire friendships and moral relationships during the organization. It benefits people sensation treasured when their ideas are solicited, and even further so if those estimations are merged into a final finding or policy. What a democratic leadership doesnt undeniably do while it can is create staff ownership of the organization and its areas. Although everybody may be demanded for philosophies or sentiments, not all of those are used or combined in the workings of the organization. If there is no actual conversation of ideas, with a subsequent overall agreement, a sense of ownership is improbable. Thus, democratic leadership may have some of the disadvantages of autocratic leadership a absence of buy-in deprived of the advantages of rapid and strong decision-making that originates with the removal of discussion. Laissez-Faire leader. Their believed in freedom of choice for employee and leaving them alone so they can do as they want. The basis for this style of leadership is twofold. Firstly, there is a strong belief that the employees know their jobs and best to leave them alone to do jobs. Secondly, the leader may be in a election-based position and may not want exert power and control for fear. There is virtually no participation, involvement, and to do communication in workforce. Laissez-faire leadership can only lead to anarchy, inefficiency and can be dismissed out of hand as useless. Effective of laissez-faire leadership seem to be negative. Empowering leadership, where leadership-power are deliberately and consciously delegated, organizational empowerment for overall acceptance of this vision is produced. This style of leadership works best when people are capable and motive to decide and are nit hindered by a central coordinator. Effects on the organization Leader behaviour on the organization has passive, non-directive approach. Almost any behaviour by the group is permissible due to the leaders lack of limit-setting and stated expectations All authority or power is given to the employees and they must determine their goal, make decisions and resolve problems on their own. The employees are high skilled, experienced, educated and they have pride in their work and also the drive to do it successfully on their own. Outside experts such as staff specialists are being used. The employees are trustworthy and experienced This style should not be used when it makes the employees feel in secure at the unavailability of manager. Leader is unable to thank the employees for their good job. This manager doesnt understand their responsibilities and hoping the employees can cover them. 4.0 Leadership Style Of A Leader That Facilitates Staff Development Both nurses and supervisors stated that it was characteristic for the democratic nurse manager to highlight teamwork and obligation to work. The employees had an option to voice their sentiments and take share in problem-solving and decision-making. Though, the nurse manager was eventually predictable to be a decision-maker Donley, R. (2008). Was different perception of the nurse manager position in these styles? On the hand, dome supervisor felt that nurse manager did not attitude out as managers, but as team members. This destined that the nurse manager individual tasks might be of subordinate importance. She is working a lot with us and she has difficulties performing her own duties as nurse manager. Supervisor said that a nurse consumed a significant role in collaboration and its growth with the members of dissimilar professional group and amid effort components. They services to get the personnel to promise to the joint goal were considered as noteworthy. Planning composed with the personnel moulded a foundation for employee commitment to work. This type of leadership defers to the group to help make decision. This can create an environment in which employees feel valued, but at the same time, it can take some of the leadership authority away from the leader. People will not expect the leader to make important decisions and will devalue their role in the organization. This can cause problem in the long run as it also leads to a slower process for getting things done. Sometime leader is firm, but unlike coercive leader, they also are fair. While this is an improvement, it still having problems. The disadvantage of this is that employees are still not given opportunity to provide feedback o suggest alternative methods for doing things. An experience leader will choose the leadership style that work best in any given situation. Example, when there an emergency Code Blue, on the other hand, she may be a directive autocrat who gives instructions unilaterally to less experienced nurse while she closely supervises their work. Some leadership used a dictating style when leading their employees. With style of leaderships, the leader will make every decision for the group and enforce it strictly. In some situations, this can be a benefit, but at the same time it can lead to problem with employees. If the employees know that they have no input in what goes on, they will get discouraged with their roles. Hey will simply defer to the manager in every area instead their own common sense as well. Critical and creative thinking about the nurses means that there is no time for cautious rumination and planning the nurses must rapidly take situation and produce a solution that is both efficient and causes minimal conflict. The leading nurses also predictable to exhibit creative thinking skill: and also exploit the time they have to safeguard that worker are not just current and working. Nurses attraction upon their original side to suggest new ways of carrying staff together and getting the job done well. The skills nurse required when a nurse graduates from school and yield his RN license, their mostly has basic leadership skills to smear to direct persistent care. As he willingness to variation nurse, nurse manager and, eventually, nurse need to learn more about leaderships. Its significant for a nurse to seek advice and mentoring from senior nurse leader who can provide truthful response about his leadership style. Importance nurse has trended toward a communal governance model of management that includes nurses in decisions moving their preparation. In that model, nurse manager uses a permissive democrat style, hopeful her nurses to actively contribute in clinical decision-making and monitoring their outcomes. The nurse executive, in turn, uses the same style to establish nursing councils with representation from staff nurses. One of the most common types of leadership will involves trying to manage every last detail of an operation. With this type of management, you might get to oversee more details, but you will also create resentment among your employees. Many employees do not like to be like to be micromanaged, and will start to dislike your leadership style. This type of leadership fosters distrust with employees because it makes them feel like you cannot trust them to do even the simplest tasks. Some leaders should to delegate a great deal of responsibility to those underneath them. While this strategy can free up time for the manager, it can also lead to increased mistakes. If the leader delegates too much responsibility, it can overwhelm the lower-level employees and lead to issued. It can also create an unorganized environment in the workplace because this often leader to the leader being absent. Since the lower employees are authorized to do more, the leaders role is diminished. Nurse leaders to guide effectively without hand-holding or condescension, rather than simply telling subordinates what to door not just instructing. He demonstrate the utmost fairness in all situations, they grow more confident both in his leadership performances. The leaders must deal with many kinds of people as doctors and other medical settings. They must cultivate excellent listening skills and the further develop empathy and compassion they possess. When dealing with families and patients, the leaders must exhibits the utmost professionalism without losing touch of their humanity and ability to make an emotional connection. A new nurse as leaders is the fact that effective leaders are also proficient clinically. The new nurses can incorporate leadership fundamentals while developing competency in their profession in exploring the Synergy model Kerfoot (2001) contend, A leader cannot provide direct good care. The leaders obligation is to create the environment in which good people can provide good care, Healthcare management can benefit from examples of the other successful corporate habits in organization The book Built to Last, a study of successful corporate habits indicates that continuity of leader and on-going leadership development contribute significantly to success of an organization. In a follow-up research book, Good to Great, Hersey, P, Blanchar K. (2002) describe a level 5 leader as one who states that level 5 leadership is one of the key determinants of organization greatness. How staff members perceive nurse-manager is critical to recruitment and retention efforts. Effective leaders use successful strategies for time management. Often leaders allow minutes and hours to be wasted on nonessential tasks such as opening mail, filing, and responding to noncritical requests from other. Effective leader is use self-discipline to organize these tasks and assign priority to projects that product result. By learning from management experts such as Stephen Covey, nurses can perfect their time management skills. In his book, The 7 Habit of Highly Effective People, describe the time management matrix that encourages leaders to focus most of their time on noncurrent activities. A leader can use time efficiently while building staff members self-esteem, as exemplified by the concept of 1 minutes praise described in the One Minutes Manager finding creative, quick, and individual ways to thanks staff members, colleagues, and customer is an important leader skill. The personal acknowledgement of staff members builds morale and improves retention. Communication occurs through speech, nonverbal signal, and written documentations. It is essential that leaders disseminate and interpret information quickly and accurately. A 2 year study of Chilean nurse leader suggested that leadership is characterized by exerting a positive influence on others through good communication. At the root of effective communication is delivering the message in such a way that the listener will hear it. Strategies effective decision making such as help leaders understand intuitive decision-making strategies. There are also tool such as the decision tree and force-field analysis that help a group analyse data and options when solving problems. Educating leaders and team members about different decision-making strategies cultivates critical-thinking skills. These tools encourage teams to remain focused as the team members evaluate possible solutions. Creation Skills used by nurse leader create opportunity, value, relationships, and quality for their employees and organizations, for example, implementing a formalized mentor training program to increase the retention of new staffing is creative approach to retention. If a manager does not have a creative solution to a particular situation, the manager should be able to identify these qualities in others so that ideas for improvement are still brought forth for evaluation and implementation Create opportunity for employees that leaders are only as effective as the employees who work for them. A part of a leaders role is to create opportunity to encourage employees personal and professional growth. Brunt provides an overview of the America Nurses Associations scope of standard of practice for professional development of nurses. Leading others by example and role-modelling can be effective. Promoting collaborative practice creates opportunities, especially in the areas of relationships between Doctor and nurses. Create quality through continuous improvement and error reduction should not be hidden in the basement and emergency only before the accreditation survey. A focus on quality and error reduction should be everywhere: in units, at meeting and others. Leader should encourage employees to continually challenge the status quo. Everyone should continually use organizational process improvement, root-cause analysis tools, and creative teamwork to improve process. This goal is accomplished by mentoring, leading by example, and designing reward system that encourage this behaviour. Many organizations are using Six Sigma, a data-drive method of identifying and reducing defects errors such as define, measure, analyze, improve as the steps to improved operations that fall standards. To create relationships with strategic partners with understanding the relationship with partners is imperative. The organizations must find partners with synergies, enter into contacts with person that fill a void in the organization, and then capitalize on the expertise available. It is often best to control partner relationships, not ownership. The doctor are valuable partners, leader-leaders should strive to understand doctor, and help them succeed, incorporate them into hospital process such as operational analysis, error reduction and solution identification. 5.0 Conclusion Today hospitals are struggling operationally and financially. The reasons are complex and multifaceted. Training leaders is an effective way to proactively address operational inefficiencies and ineffective practices in human resources. Leaders should be encouraged to identify their own weakness and use these skills and tools to develop and promote competency. In order to strengthen nurse leaders for nurses and managers should include leadership skills and expectations. Leadership education and training should be one of many initiatives related to process improvement that incorporate research, best practices, and methods that inspire our current and future leaders. An important moral imperative to ensure that our healthcare organizations are led by individuals and team who display relational skills, concern for their employees as persons, and who can work collaboratively to achieve a preferred future for themselves, patients and organization . The healthcares faces a looming shortage of leaders, nurses and other healthcare professionals to implementing strategies to ensure effective leadership is paramount. The developing and promoting viable nursing leadership for future, organizations can achieve the goal of providing quality care for healthcare consumers. The findings suggest that by investing energy into relationships with nurses, relation leaders positively affect the health and well-being of their nurses and, ultimately and outcomes for patients The nurses must use their leadership behaviour to positively influence organizational outcome and need to appreciate the inter-relationship between developing nursing practice, improve quality of care and optimizing patient outcomes. Healthcare organizations need nurse leaders who can develop nursing care, are an advocate for the nursing professions and have a positive effect on healthcare through leadership. In Word Counted 3197 (Excluded Table Of Content Reference)
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Comparing Burgess and Drapers Theory of Family Violence and the Film,
Comparing Burgess and Draper's Theory of Family Violence and the Film, The Burning Bed  I. Introduction     Burgess and Draper argue coercive patterns of family interaction represent the principal causal pathway that connects ecological instability to violence within families. They maintain this raises the possibility that some of the common correlates of such violence are themselves reactions to sudden or chronic ecological instability. For example, alcoholism, depression, and anxiety may be responses to ecological stresses in the family, such as loss of employment, excessive financial debt, or divorce. Burgess and Draper suggest that violence towards one's mate or children may consequently be a direct result of ecological instability. They argue that certain individual traits (e.g. problem drinking), which have previously been assumed to precipitate violent behavior, may actually be the result of the same factors that lead to family violence itself.     The movie, The Burning Bed, is a made for TV movie centered on the issue of family violence. The main characters were Francine and Mickey Hughes, a battered wife and abusive husband. In the story, Francine struggled with Mickey's violence and intimidation for the better part of twenty years and finally ended up killing him in his sleep. It is a vivid and realistic movie about domestic violence and the way society viewed such violence in the not so distant past. By comparing the movie to Burgess and Draper's hypothesis, some agreements and some disagreements become apparent. Do Burgess and Draper adequately explain and predict the Hughes's pattern of domestic violence?  II. Ecological Instability     Ecological instability describes when a... ... beaten and afterwards when she was scarred and bruised, I feel that Mickey Hughes deserved what he got only he should have suffered more. The compassion I feel towards any woman who is victimized by a man probably makes me biased in that way. After reading Burgess and Draper's article, I feel even more justified in my position. They make the reader look for the cause of the abuse somewhere other than with the woman or the man's drinking. The way Burgess and Draper's article mirrors the abusive relationship in the Hughes family helps to put the violence in the right perspective where an adult can still be held responsible for his own actions.  Works Cited: Burning Bed, The (1984) (TV).  Directed by Robert Greenwald. Writing credits: Rose Lieman Goldemberg. Ohlin, Lloyd and Michael Tonry, eds. Family Violence. University of Chicago Press, 1989.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Proper Etiquette and Interview Skills Essay -- Etiquette Interviews Ma
Proper Etiquette and Interview Skills Business Etiquette Business etiquette is made up of significantly more important things than knowing which fork to use at lunch with a client. People may feel that if you can't be trusted not to embarrass yourself in business and social situations, you may lack the self-control necessary to be good at what you do. Etiquette is about presenting yourself with the kind of polish that shows you can be taken seriously. Etiquette is also about being comfortable around people (and making them comfortable around you!) Being a good conversationalist To be a successful conversationalist, you must also believe that listening is power. Because our society places so much emphasis on speaking as the way to win friends and influence people, good listeners can quietly have a powerful and subversive impact. You should also remember that speakers have little power without listeners. Speakers share their wisdom and try to persuade, but listeners make meaning of what is heard -- they make the ultimate decision to act on what they hear. When it comes to talking during an interview, sometimes less is more. As a general rule, you should speak one-third of the time and definitely no more than half of the time. That's because the best interviews have a give-and-take atmosphere where you're discussing who the company is looking for, why you're the right candidate and how having you on board will solve the firm's challenges. To do this, you need to ask questions and try to draw out your interviewer rather than talking about yourself nonstop. Phone Etiquette Employers use telephone interviews as a way of identifying and recruiting candidates for employment. Phone interviews are often used to screen candidates in order to narrow the pool of applicants who will be invited for in-person interviews. They are also used as way to minimize the expenses involved in interviewing out-of-town candidates. While you're actively job searching, it's important to be prepared for a phone interview on a moments notice. You never know when a recruiter or a networking contact might call and ask if you have a few minutes to talk. Good phone ability is a requirement of almost every job at all levels. This is a chance to demonstrate your phone communications skills. Face-to-face communication consists of three elements: words, tone of voice and bo... your training program each year? †¢ How does your company's tuition reimbursement program work? †¢ What new product lines/services have been announced recently? †¢ What is the average age of top management? †¢ Will you describe ______________ to me? (The personality of a ranking officer often reveals a lot about the company philosophy). †¢ Could you tell me about public transportation to your company? †¢ How many people are you interviewing for this position? †¢ What are the things you like least/most about working here? †¢ If I am extended an offer of employment, how soon after this would you like me to start? †¢ When can I expect to hear from you? As the interview closes, be sure to express interest in the position and briefly summarize why you are qualified. Then ask what the next step will be or when you can expect to hear from the interviewer. This inquiry demonstrates your confidence and interest and gives you important information. Finally, ask for a business card so you can send a thank you letter within 24 hours. If no card is available, make sure you learn the correct spelling of the interviewer's first and last name.
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Leadership Education
A. Leadership education. While the debate over whether effective leaders are born that way or can learn these skills, the fact remains that even natural-born leaders need some help in understand the dynamics involved in teams. All of the U.S. military branches of services recognized this need early on and established service academies to help train their future leaders, but people in business, academia and other professions also have relevant leadership education available as well. According to Barker and Rost (2000), the content of leadership education courses required for the 21st century should address three general categories: (i) the evolution of social change and development, (ii) the processes that influence social development, and (iii) the dynamics of human nature in change processes. These authors add that, â€Å"Leadership education is aimed at producing citizens for a democratic society†(p. 3). B. Continuing education. Many professions require continuing education credits to maintain credentialing and privileges for practice; for example, lawyers and healthcare practitioners must complete a set number of credit hours each year for this purpose. While all professions may not mandate it, the individual pursuit of continuing education in any field should be regarded as a sound business investment, just as the provision of such training by organizations makes good sense. Because of the importance of having effective leaders in any organizational setting, it is vitally important for them to remain cognizant of changes and innovations in their field, as well as in allied fields that may impact their industry. Today is an excellent time to be a professional in search of continuing educational opportunities, though, because of the explosion in adult education classes designed for this purpose, particularly in online forums of various types. In this regard, Jarvis (2002) reports that, â€Å"Adult and continuing education is changing at a tremendously rapid rate in this contemporary, urban world,†and the purposes for which adult leaders are seeking continuing education have changed in fundamental ways in recent years (p. iii). Likewise, Beaudoin (2002) points out that, â€Å"The proliferation of instructional technology in the past decade, particularly in higher education settings, is having a profound impact on how teaching and learning now occurs, and is transforming the means by which institutions reach and support an emerging worldwide market across time and distance†(p. 131). This author adds that because it is so important to organizational and individual success, continuing education has a well developed format concerning not only to the planning and management of continuing education activities, but also insights in the area of leadership (Beaudoin, 2002). C. Types of education. Because every business situation is unique, leadership is taught in a variety of ways across many disciplines. According to Nirenberg (1998), â€Å"Most schools of business typically include the study of leadership as part of a survey of organizational behavior (OB) theory and not as a course in its own right. By all accounts, though, there are continuing and adult education opportunities available for virtually any vocation and avocation today through community colleges and online learning forums and even busy professionals can take advantages of these services. More importantly, though, effective leaders need to be well-rounded individuals with a basic understanding of how the business world works and what makes people behave the way they do. The types of education required for these complicated purposes are clearly a lifelong endeavor because they must continue to be updated and refined, and the more variety in the educational services taken over the course of a individual's career, the more effective leader that person will likely be. The Leadership Education A. Leadership education. While the debate over whether effective leaders are born that way or can learn these skills, the fact remains that even natural-born leaders need some help in understand the dynamics involved in teams. All of the U.S. military branches of services recognized this need early on and established service academies to help train their future leaders, but people in business, academia and other professions also have relevant leadership education available as well. According to Barker and Rost (2000), the content of leadership education courses required for the 21st century should address three general categories: (i) the evolution of social change and development, (ii) the processes that influence social development, and (iii) the dynamics of human nature in change processes. These authors add that, â€Å"Leadership education is aimed at producing citizens for a democratic society†(p. 3). B. Continuing education. Many professions require continuing education credits to maintain credentialing and privileges for practice; for example, lawyers and healthcare practitioners must complete a set number of credit hours each year for this purpose. While all professions may not mandate it, the individual pursuit of continuing education in any field should be regarded as a sound business investment, just as the provision of such training by organizations makes good sense. Because of the importance of having effective leaders in any organizational setting, it is vitally important for them to remain cognizant of changes and innovations in their field, as well as in allied fields that may impact their industry. Today is an excellent time to be a professional in search of continuing educational opportunities, though, because of the explosion in adult education classes designed for this purpose, particularly in online forums of various types. In this regard, Jarvis (2002) reports that, â€Å"Adult and continuing education is changing at a tremendously rapid rate in this contemporary, urban world,†and the purposes for which adult leaders are seeking continuing education have changed in fundamental ways in recent years (p. iii). Likewise, Beaudoin (2002) points out that, â€Å"The proliferation of instructional technology in the past decade, particularly in higher education settings, is having a profound impact on how teaching and learning now occurs, and is transforming the means by which institutions reach and support an emerging worldwide market across time and distance†(p. 131). This author adds that because it is so important to organizational and individual success, continuing education has a well developed format concerning not only to the planning and management of continuing education activities, but also insights in the area of leadership (Beaudoin, 2002). C. Types of education. Because every business situation is unique, leadership is taught in a variety of ways across many disciplines. According to Nirenberg (1998), â€Å"Most schools of business typically include the study of leadership as part of a survey of organizational behavior (OB) theory and not as a course in its own right. By all accounts, though, there are continuing and adult education opportunities available for virtually any vocation and avocation today through community colleges and online learning forums and even busy professionals can take advantages of these services. More importantly, though, effective leaders need to be well-rounded individuals with a basic understanding of how the business world works and what makes people behave the way they do. The types of education required for these complicated purposes are clearly a lifelong endeavor because they must continue to be updated and refined, and the more variety in the educational services taken over the course of a individual's career, the more effective leader that person will likely be.
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